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IHEP 96 - 39
S.V. Donskov, A.V. Inyakin, V.A. Kachanov, G.V. Khaustov, A.V. Kulik, A.A.Lednev, S.A.Polovnikov, Yu.D. Prokoshkin, S.A. Sadovsky, V.D. Samoylenko, P.M. Shagin, A.V. Shtannikov, A.V. Singovsky, V.P. Sugonyaev (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), C. Bricman, J.P. Stroot(Institut Interuniversitaire des Sciences Nucleaires, Brussels, Belgium), M. Gouanere, J.P. Peigneux, M. Poulet (Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, Annecy-le-Vieux, France), D. Alde, E.A. Knapp (Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, USA), S. Inaba, M. Kobayashi, T. Tsuru (National Laboratory for High Energy Physics - KEK, Tsukuba, Japan), F.G. Binon(Universite Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels, Belgium), T. Nakamura, K. Takamatsu(Miyazaki University, Japan), N. Kinashi(Nagoya University, Japan), M. Boutemeur(Universite de Montreal, Montreal, Canada)
Spin-parity analysis of eta pio pio - system in pi- p charge exchange reaction at 100 GeV/c by Zemach method
Protvino, 1996.- p.9, figs 3, tables 2, refs.:19.

A spin-parity analysis of $\eta\pi^o\pi^o$-system produced in the charge exchange $\pi^-p \rightarrow \eta\pi^o\pi^o n$ reaction is performed in a mass range up to 1,9~GeV. The data have been collected with GAMS-4000 multiphoton spectrometer in 100 GeV/c secondary $\pi^-$ beam of SPS at CERN. Clear peaks are observed in the mass spectra, corresponding to the $\eta(1295)$ and $\iota/\eta(1440)$ mesons in the pseudoscalar sector, and to the $D/f_1(1285)$ meson in the axial-vector sector. Their masses and widths are in a good agreement with the world average values. Several decay branching ratios as well as the production cross sections of these mesons are measured. The $\eta(1295)$ decay to $\eta\pi^o\pi^o$ is dominated by the $a_0(980)\pi^o$ subchannel. Contrary to this, the $\iota/\eta(1440) \rightarrow a_0(980) \pi^o$ decay is rather week, the $\eta (\pi^{o}\pi^{o})_S$ subchannel dominates in the iota to $\eta\pi^o\pi^o$ decay. This is an argument towards the iota assignment as an exotic meson with a strong valence gluon component

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