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IHEP 96 - 93 (In Russian)
M.Yu.Bogolyubsky, A.P. Vorobev, A.M. Moiseev, V.N. Ryadovikov
Efficiency of Registration for Charmed Particles in pA-Interactions at 70 GeV with SVD-2 Setup
Protvino, 1996.- p.14, figs 10, refs.:6.

The criterion of measurability for charged tracks is introduced using the immitation of reconstruction procedure, by means of MINUIT-program incorporated with GEANT. The efficiency of detection for $D^+, \bar{D}^0$ and $\Lambda^+_c$ (20 hadron decay channels) is estimated with this criterium. It's shown, that a charmed particle, which flies forward in c.m.s, can be detected explicitly only. The detection efficiency of these particles can be near 1 with increasing $X_f$ for some decay modes. The $\Lambda^+_c$-signal from effective mass spectra is simulated. Some cuts are introduced to decrease the background. It's shown, that the selection of $\Lambda^+_c$-signal for some decay channels is possible from both kinds of the background (combinatory and pp $\rightarrow$ X - interactions).

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