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IHEP 2002 - 10
V.V.Ammosov, V.A.Gapienko, A.A.Semak et al.
Four-Gap Glass RPC as a Candidate to a Large Area Thin Time-of-Flight Detector
Protvino, 2002.- p.9, figs. 13, refs.:6.

Four-gap glass RPC with 0.3~mm gap size was tested with hadron beam as a time-of-flight detector having resolution of $\sim \!\!100$~ps. Thickness of detector together with front-end electronics is $\sim \!\!12$~mm. Results on time resolution dependently on pad size are presented. This paper contains first result on the timing RPC (with $\sim \!\!100$~ps resolution) having strip read-out. Study has been done within the the HARP R\&D work. Obtained data can be useful if a design of large area thin timing detector has to be done.

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