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IHEP 2002 - 23
Search for $H \to \gamma \gamma$ in the Reaction $pp \to H + jet + X$ at $\sqrt{s}=14$~TeV
Protvino, 2002.- p.13, figs. 8, table 5, refs.:17.

The possibility of the LHC for finding the Standard Model Higgs boson in the ${H \to \gamma\gamma}$ decay mode is discussed for the case of the Higgs production in association with one jet. The detailed simulation of the signal and the backgrounds was carried out. For signal the different approaches are compared which led to a similar results after the choice of the proper cuts and normalization. The $pp \to \gamma \gamma + jet + X$ background was generated with the exact matrix-elements. The parton-shower, hadronization and detector simulation influence on results was studied. The ATLAS detector parameters were used for the detector responce simulation. It was found the result dependence with respect to the choice of the parton-showering scale $Q$ for the background. In any case, for \mH = 115 $\div$ 140~GeV the signal significance was evaluated about or above 5 for an integrated luminosity of 30 fb$^{-1}$.

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