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IHEP 2003 - 11 (In Russian)
Yu.M.Antipov, N.E.Anferov, V.A.Batarin, Yu.P.Gorin, V.V.Davydov, A.P.Mal'tsev, V.V.Nizhegorodtsev, C.I.Pilipenko, E.K.Starodubrovsky, A.V.Surensky, V.A.Teplyakov, E.F.Troyanov, N.E.Tyurin
Deuterons Acceleration in I-100 Linac
Protvino, 2003.- p.10, figs. 6, table 1, refs.:9.

High energy deuteron beams are of great interest for fundamental and applied researches. Creation of such beams on IHEP accelerator complex in energy range 0,1(plus-minus)35 GeV/u significantly widens the research possibili-ties with relativistic deuterons in our country. Accelerated deuterons are also à precondition for other light nuclei acceleration in IHEP.
IHEP Alvarez type proton I-100 linac can be used as light ions injector.
In this work the results of deuterons acceleration studies in I-100 linac are presented.

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