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IHEP 2003 - 24 (In Russian)
E.M.Boldyrev, A.M.Gubochkin
Mathematical model of transport of charges carriers in the (GaAs) detector
Protvino, 2003.- p.8, figs. 18, refs.:3.

Modelling of the processes of a nonequilibrium charge carriers transport, derivated as a result of interaction of g-ray photon with a body of the detector on the basis of gallium arsenide (GaAs), is represented. The mathe-matical model of this task is represented by system of the inhomogeneous differential equations with initial and boundary conditions. Solution of the task was by means of an iterative method. The solutions obtained are given by graphics dependences of charge carriers concentration and an electrical field in a semiconductor from space coordinate, time, coordinate of a point of interaction of g-ray photon with substance of the detector, the enclosed electric field and trapping effects.

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