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IHEP 2003 - 7
M.F.Perfilov, (Physics Department, Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia) S.M.Troshin, (IHEP, Protvino, Russia) N.E.Tyurin (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
Novel Features in Exclusive Vector-Meson Production
Protvino, 2003.- p.6, figs. 4, refs.:16.

It is shown that the universality of the initial and final state interactions responsible for the transition between the on-- and off--mass shell states leads to the energy independence of the ratio of exclusive $\rho$ electroproduction cross section to the total cross section. It is demonstrated that the above universality and explicit mass dependence of the exponent in the power--like energy behavior of the cross-section obtained in the approach based on unitarity is in a quantitative agreement with the high--energy HERA experimental data. We discuss also HERA results on angular distributions of vector--meson production.

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