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IHEP 2004 - 34
V.V.Ammosov, A.A.Ivanilov, V.A.Korotkov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia) N.M.Agababyan (JINR, Dubna, Russia), M.Atayan, N.Grigoryan, H.Gulkanyan, Zh.Karamyan (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia)
A study of the nuclear medium influence on transverse momentum of hadrons produced in deep inelastic neutrino scattering
Protvino, 2004. – p. 13, figs. 7, table 4, refs.: 31.

The influence of nuclear effects on the transverse momentum $(p_T)$ of neut\-ri\-no\-pro\-du\-ced hadrons is investigated using the data obtained with SKAT propane-freon bubble chamber irradiated in the neutrino beam (with $E_{\nu}$ = 3--30 GeV) at Serpukhov accelerator. It has been observed, that the nuclear effects cause an enhancement of $$ of hadrons produced in the target fragmentation region at low invariant mass of the hadronic system (2 $< W <$ 4 GeV) and at low energies transferred to the hadrons (2 $< \nu < 9$~GeV). At higher $W$ and $\nu$, no influence of nuclear effects on $$ is observed. Measurement results are compared with predictions of a simple model, incorporating secondary intranuclear interactions of hadrons, which qualitatively reproduces the main features of the data.

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