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IHEP 2004 - 39
V.A.Uvarov, S.A.Akimenko, G.I.Britvich, K.V.Datsko, A.P.Filin, A.V.Inyakin, V.A.Khmelnikov, A.S.Konstantinov, V.F.Konstantinov, I.Y.Korolkov, V.M.Leontiev, V.P.Novikov, V.F.Obraztsov, V.A.Polyakov, V.I.Romanovsky, V.M.Ronjin, V.I.Shelikhov, N.E.Smirnov, O.G.Tchikilev, O.P.Yushchenko (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), V.N.Bolotov, V.A.Duk, S.V.Laptev, A.Yu.Polyarush (Institute for Nuclear Research, Moscow, Russia)
Experimental Study of Direct Photon Emission in $K^- \to \pi^- \pi^0 \gamma$ Decay Using ISTRA+ Detector
Protvino, 2004. – p. 13, figs. 8, table 1, refs.: 20.

The branching ratio in the charged-pion kinetic energy region of 55 to 90 MeV for the direct photon emission in the $K^- \to \pi^- \pi^0 \gamma$ decay has been measured using in-flight decays detected with the ISTRA+ setup operating in the 25~GeV/$c$ negative secondary beam of the U-70 PS. The value $$Br(DE) ~=~ \left[0.37 \pm 0.39\,({\rm stat}) \pm 0.10\,({\rm syst})\right]\times 10^{-5}$$ obtained from the analysis of 930 completely reconstructed events is consistent with the average value of two stopped-kaon experiments, but it differs by 2.5 standard deviations from the average value of three in-flight-kaon experiments. The result is also compared with recent theoretical predictions.

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