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IHEP 2005 - 16 (In Russian)
V.A.Kokovin, V.V.Komarov
Monitoring and Diagnostics of General Timing System
Protvino, 2005. p. 7, figs.: 2, table: 2, refs.: 6.

The paper notes both the necessity of the timing system permanent monitoring and the malfunction quick detection. Three categories of the diagnostic tools are proposed, which execute the following procedures: a) permanent registration of the timing signals at the system main points; b) detailed monitoring of the hardware functioning; c) making archives of chosen timing signals, accumulated during a long period. The arrangement’s realizing these procedures are considered, their facilities are shown. The original method called Diagnostic Scanning of Dedicated Objects (DSDO) is shortly described. This method allows to monitor the state of the FPGA functional units in real time. The efficient application of the timing signal registration in the IHEP accelerators complex timing system is given as an example.

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