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IHEP 2006 - 12 (In English)
N.M.Agababyan (JINR, Dubna, Russia), V.V.Ammosov, A.A.Ivanilov, V.A.Korotkov, (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), M.Atajan, N.Grigoryan, G.Gulkanyan, Zh.Karamyan (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia)
The Characteristics of Neutrinonuclear Reactions at E_nu = 1-3 GeV
Protvino, 2006. – p. 11, figs: 11, refs.: 7.

For the first time, the characteristics of the charged current neutrinonuclear interactions are investigated at E_nu = 1-3 GeV using the data obtained with SKAT propane-freon bubble chamber irradiated in the neutrino beam at Serpukhov accelerator. The E_nu-dependence of the mean multiplicities of different types of secondary particles and their multiplicity, momentum and angular distributions are measured.

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