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IHEP 2006 - 15 (In English)
N.M.Agababyan (JINR, Dubna, Russia), V.V.Ammosov, A.A.Ivanilov, V.A.Korotkov, (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), M.Atajan, N.Grigoryan, G.Gulkanyan, Zh.Karamyan (Yerevan Physics Institute, Armenia)
The A-dependence of rho0 Neutrinoproduction on Nuclei
Protvino, 2006. – p. 8, figs: 7, tables: 2, refs.: 14.

The A-dependence of rho0 meson production in neutrino-induced reactions is investigated for the first time, using the data obtained with SKAT bubble chamber. The nuclear medium influence on the rho0 total yield and inclusive distributions on z = E_rho / nu and Feynman x_F variable is found to be approximately the same as for pions. It is shown, that these distributions, with increasing A, tend to shift toward smaller values of z and x_F, thus indicating on an increasing role of secondary intranuclear interactions. The predictions of a simplified model incorporating the latter are found to be in qualitative agreement with experimental data.

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