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IHEP 2008 - 14 (In Russian)
A.N.Vasiliev, Yu.M.Goncharenko, A.M.Davidenko, A.A.Derevschikov, V.A.Kachanov, Yu.M.Melnik, A.P.Meschanin, N.G.Minaev, V.V.Mochalov, A.V.Riazancev, P.A.Semenov, A.V.Uzunian, A.E.Yakutin
Influence of Gamma Irradiation on Scintillation and Optical Properties of Lead Tungstate Cristals
Protvino, 2008. – p. 12, figs. 10, refs.: 21.

An experimental set of lead tungstate crystals produced by a new technology method at the Bogoroditsk Techno-Chemical Plant within the frame of PANDA experiment have been irradiated with gama–rays. The study of optical properties of crystals as a result of irradiation has been made at temperatures between +20 and -200Ń with the use of 137Cs radioactive source. When temperature goes down a crystal light output essentially goes up. From the other hand, a crystal irradiation at low temperatures causes a more significant crystal transparency loss compared to the one at room temperature. These investigations showed, that under irradiation with the same dose rate, the residual crystal light output at negative temperature might be significantly higher than the one at room temperature even after having a big accumulated dose.

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