IHEP 2012 - 10 (In Russian) |
S.V.Ivanov, O.P.Lebedev
Transverse Noise Blow-Up of Beam in the U-70 Synchrotron
Protvino, 2012. –
p. 11, figs. 6, refs.: 4.
The paper studies transverse noise (stochastic) blow-up of beam in course of a slow extraction at magnetic-field flat-bottom of the IHEP U-70 synchrotron. The diffusion equation is put down followed by an estimate of a feasible time scale inherent in the transverse (horizontal) noise blow-up of beam. Depth of beam overshoot inwards edge of the internal energy-degrader target is estimated, and the relevant tolerances upon the target geometry are imposed. Experimental results with a carbon beam in the U-70 machine are presented.