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IHEP 96 - 18 (in English)
Yu.M. Loskutov
About Positive Definiteness of Source Energy Losses Through Emission of Gravitons with Nonzero Rest Mass and Massive Gravitational Field Theory
Protvino, 1996.- p.15, refs.:16.

Gravitational radiation flux from an arbitrary spatially bounded source is positively defined in the used variant of theory of gravity with nonzero graviton mass. A link between energy losses by emission and work of sources is established. It is shown that the total work contains a part resulted from the interaction of a source with radiation field and a part resulted from self-action of the field. This is just that makes the work positively defined as a whole. A general form of radiation spectrum-angular distribution is obtained with account of spin and polarization states. For spherically symmetric sources, states with zero spin as well as zero projection on momentum of spin two make a contribution to emission.

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