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IHEP 98 - 14
C.Allgower, T.Kasprzyk, K.Krueger, H.Spinka, D.Underwood, A.Yokosawa (Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois, USA), G.Bunce, H.Huang, Y.Makdisi, T.Roser, M.Syphers (Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York, USA), N.I.Belikov, A.A.Derevschikov, Yu.A.Matulenko, L.V.Nogach, S.B.Nurushev, A.N.Vasiliev, L.V.Nogach (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia), M.Bai, S.Y.Lee (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, USA), Y.Goto, N.Hayashyi, T.Ichihara, M.Okamura, N.Saito (RIKEN, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, Japan), H.En'yo, K.Imai, Y.Kondo, Y.Nakada, H.Sato, (Department of Physics, Kyoto University, Japan), H.Okamura, H.Sakai, T.Wakasa (Department of Physics, University of Tokio, Japan), V.Baturine, A.Ogawa, (Pennsylvania State University, University Park, Pennsylvania, USA), V.Ghazikanian, G.Igo, S.Trentalange, C.Whitten (UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA)
Measurement of single-spin asymmetries of pi+,pi-, and protons inclusively produced on a carbon target with a 21.6 GeV/c incident polarized proton beam. (BNL E925 Experiment)
Protvino, 1999.-p.32, figs.17, tables 14, refs.:29.

The single-spin asymmetry, $A_N,$ in inclusive $\pi^{ \pm}$-production has been measured using a 21.6~GeV/c transversely-polarized proton beam on a carbon target. A large $A_N$ was found for $x_F>0.5$ and for $0.6

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