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IHEP 2000 - 44
V.A.Anikeeva, V.G.Bornyakov
Solution of Partial Eigenvalue Problem in Lattice Gauge Theory
Protvino, 2000.-p.4, tables 1, refs.:4.

Recently the problem of finding few eigenvalues and the corresponding eigenvectors of large sparse real symmetric matrices arose in some studies of the lattice regularization of the nonabelian gauge theories. We present the program designed to solve this problem. The basis of the algorithm used in the program is the subspace iteration method together with the Rayleigh-Ritz procedure and Chebyshev acceleration. The code is compact and well suited to handle large scale matrices. It is comparable in power with the specialized package ARPACK but is of higher mobility. The code has been checked in computations for matrices of the size up to $O(10^5)$.

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