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IHEP 2000 - 8 (In Russian)
A.F.Dunaitsev, A.P.Leonov, A.F.Lukyantsev, N.K.Marchihin, N.N. Rabsky, A.V.Savelev, A,N.Sytin, S.N.Fedotov
Modern Tendency of Design and Manufacturing of Electronics in IHEP
Protvino, 2000.-p.17, figs.6, tables 1, refs.:30.

An integrated CAD/CAM system for high energy physics electronics design and manufacturing is discussed. The proposed system architecture meets specific requirements of the high energy physics electronics domain and provides the fast and effective design-to-production cycle. Its basic implementation features are openness and flexible of hardware/software configuration, which facilitate running collaborative projects for the world high energy physics community.

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