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IHEP 2001 - 29 (In Russian)
N.Agababyan, G.Ayvazyan, M.Atayan, N.Grigoryan, G.Gulkanyan, Zh.Karamyan (Erevan Physics Institute, Armenia), V.V. Ammosov, A.A.Ivanilov, V.A.Korotkov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
A Study of Cumulative Proton Production Mechanisms in Neutrino-Nucleus Interactions
Protvino, 2001.-p.9, figs.3, tables 1, refs.:14.

The cumulative proton production mechanisms are studied in neutrino-nuleus interactions, with the help of the propane-freon bubble chamber SCAT, irradiated to the neutrino beam at the Serpukhov accelerator. The kinematical correlations are observed between the cumulative proton and muon, as well as between a pair of final protons. These correlations can be attributed, respectively, to the two-nucleon correlation mechanism (TCM) and to the secondary pion absorption (SPA) mechanism. It is shown that the TCM contribution is more essential for peripherical interactions (about 50\%), while the SPA causes about a quarter of the inclusive cross section of the cumulative proton production.

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