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IHEP 2001 - 3
Twist-2 Polarized Fragmentation Function in the Open Charm Production in DIS
Protvino, 2001.-p.3, figs.4.

To extract the polarized fragmentation function $G_1$, the transmitted polarization parameter $D_{LL}$ has been considered in the semi-inclusive leptoproduction process $e^-_{\uparrow} + p \to e^- + \Lambda^+_{c\uparrow} + X $ with both longitudinally polarized electron and charmed lambda. The polarization transfer $\hat d_{LL}$ for the lepton-gluon subprocess $e^-_{\uparrow} + g \to e^- + Q_{\uparrow} \bar Q$ was carefully studied, and it appeared to be sizable. The quantitative estimates of $\hat d_{LL}$ were made at the gluon momentum fraction $x_g \,=\, 0.2$.

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