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IHEP 2001 - 32
Kholodenko A.G.(Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia), Heinzinger K., Moser H.-G. (Max-Planck Institut fur Physik, Munich, Germany)
Measurement of the Thermal Expansion Coefficient of Quasi Mono-Crystal Pyrolitic Graphite Samples
Protvino, 2001.- p.9, figs. 12, refs.:7.

Thermal expansion coefficients of TPG (Thermal Pyrolytic Graphite) were measured using TPG samples manufactured by Advanced Ceramics\footnote[1]{Advanced Ceramics Corporation, PO BOX 94924, Cleveland, Ohio, USA 44101-4924}~ and ATOMGRAPH\footnote[2]{Atomgraph, 2 Electrodnaya Str.111524 Moscow, Russia}~. Thermal expansion coefficients of TPG longitudinal ({\bf $\alpha_ {in-plane}$}) and transverse ({\bf $\alpha_ {out-of-plane}$}) were measured. Based on these measurements, the temperature dependence of the longitudinal thermal expansion coefficient ({\bf $\alpha_ {in-plane}(T)$}) of TPG is estimated. The transverse thermal expansion of PG (Pyrolytic Graphite) and HOPG (High Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite, graphite X-ray monochromator) (both samples from ATOMGRAPH) are presented, too. The results of these measurements are in good agreement with the literature.

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