IHEP 2006 - 28
(In Russian)
On the Correct Numerical Expression the Results of Joint
Protvino, 2006. – p. 25, tables: 1,
refs.: 40.
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Collection of the bad practice examples in the expression of
results in
the joint measurements of several measurands is presented.
Examples are extracted
from the scientific papers in respectable journals, handbooks,
textbooks, and from electronic resources of the evaluated data in
fundamental metrology
and fundamental physics.
The origin of the appearance of incorrect data is the absence
of international
standard on the numerical expression and presentation of the
results in joint measurements (estimation) of
several measurands, and the inadmissable implementation
of the famous ISO GUM outside the region if its applicability.
Note that ISO GUM is intended for one measurand only.
Simple quantitative parameters to assure the correctness of
the numerical
expression the results of joint measurements of several
measurands are proposed.
The "criteria of the results in joint measurements"
is also proposed to
be included as a part of the clauses in the expansion of
he ISO GUM to several measurands.