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IHEP 2011 - 32 (In Russian)
A.A.Baldin, A.I.Berlev, Yu.T.Borzunov, A.V.Konstantinov, I.V.Kudashkin, E.B.Plekhanov, S.S.Shimanskiy (JINR, Dubna, Russia), Ya.A.Berdnikov, A.E.Ivanov, V.T.Kim (SPbSPU, St.Petersburg, Russia), V.A.Murzin, V.A.Oreshkin (PNPI, Gatchina, Russia), A.Yu.Bordanovskiy, A.A.Volkov, V.P.Efremov, A.Yu.Kalinin, A.V.Korablev, V.I.Koreshev, A.N.Krinitsyn, V.I.Kryshkin, N.V.Kulagin, A.A.Loginov, V.V.Skvortsov, V.V.Talov, L.K.Turchanovich (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
Program of Correlation Study of Hadron and Nucleus Interactions at High XT
Protvino, 2011. – p. 31, figs. 30, tables 2, refs.: 24

A correlation program is proposed to study hp-, hA-, and AA-interactions at high XT using hydrogen and nuclei targets and pion, proton and nuclei beams . Several tasks are considered that can be studied in the framework of the program and a brief overview of double arm FODS spectrometer is presented

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