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IHEP 2011 - 6 (In Russian)
M.Yu.Bogolyubsky, D.I.Patalaxa, V.S.Petrov, B.V.Polishchuk, S.A.Sadovsky, V.A.Sen'ko, A.S.Solov'ev, Yu.V.Kharlov
Light-emitting Diode Monitoring System for the Photon Spectrometer PHOS in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider
Protvino, 2011. – p. 20, figs. 10, refs.: 26.

The monitoring system based on Light-Emitting Diodes (LED) is described for the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) in the ALICE experiment at the Large Hadron Collider in CERN. The PHOS spectrometer comprises three modules made like matrix of 64×56 lead tungstate (PWO) cristals. The superbright green diodes Kingbright L934SGC have been chosen as the sources of testing signals with individual tuning of the irradiation level. The system provides comissioning and control of the PHOS electronics at the preparation stage for physics runs of PHOS modules. It provides also an ability to carry out the special LED runs for tests and control of the PHOS spectrometer without using high energy particle beams and allows as well the individual monitoring of each spectrometer channel including the temperature variation of the PWO crystall transparency. The relative long term stability of the channel monitoring reaches the level of 1.2 ·10-3.

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