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IHEP 98 - 70
S. M. Klishevich
Massive Fields of Arbitrary Half-Integer Spin in Constant Electromagnetic Field
Protvino, 1998.- p.15, refs.:21.

We study the interaction of gauge fields of arbitrary half-integer spins with the homogeneous electromagnetic field. We reduce the problem of obtaining the gauge-invariant Lagrangian and transformations of the half-integer spin fields in the external field to a purely algebraic problem of finding a set of operators with certain features using the representation of the higher-spin fields as vectors in a pseudo-Hilbert space. We consider such construction at linear order in the external electromagnetic field and also present an explicit form of interaction Lagrangians and gauge transformations for the massive particles of spins $\frac32$ and $\frac52$ in terms of symmetric spin-tensor fields. The obtained result is valid for space-time of arbitrary even dimension.

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