Preprints 1998

IHEP 98 - 1
Bogolubov Transformation in Path Integrals on Manifolds with a Group Action
Protvino, 1998.- p.25, refs.:17.
IHEP 98 - 2 (in Russian)
V.V.Ammosov, V.B.Anikeev, A.A.Aseev, A.G.Afonin, A.V.Bazilevsky, S.V.Belikov, V.V.Bryzgalov, A.N.Galyaev, V.A.Gapienko, G.S.Gapienko, Yu.V.Gilitsky, Yu.P.Gorin, S.N.Gurzhiev, A.G.Denisov, S.P.Denisov, A.A.Durum, V.G.Zaets, V.N.Zapol'sky, V.G.Zarucheisky, A.A.Ivanilov, A.V.Kozelov, V.M.Korablev, V.I.Koreshev, V.I.Kochetkov, V.I.Kurbakov, V.V.Lipaev, G.P.Makarov, A.V.Maksimov, V.N.Mikhailin, V.L.Mikhalev, V.A.Onuchin, A.V.Popov, A.M.Rybin, Yu.M.Sviridov, V.K.Semenov, V.A.Sen'ko, D.A.Stoyanova, A.N.Sytin, V.V.Sytnik, G.V.Tishin, N.N.Fedyakin, V.I.Shelikhov ( IHEP, Protvino, Russia ), A.A.Bel'kov, V.V.Vitsev, A.N.Ivanchenko, A.V.Lanev, G.I.Lanshchikov, A.A.Moshkin, Yu.P.Petukhov, I.A.Savin, S.Ya.Sychkov, N.F.Furmanets ( JINR, Dubna, Russia), G.Bohm, J.Bahr, À.Schaale, A.Schwindt (DESY-IFH, Zeuthen, Germany )
Search for CP Violation in Charged Kaon Decays Using Tagging Neutrino Facility (TNF)
Protvino, 1998.- p.24, figs. 11, refs.:37.
IHEP 98 - 4
On Higgs Mechanism in Non-Perturbative Region
Protvino, 1998.- p.12, refs.:10.
IHEP 98 - 8 (in Russian)
S.V.Klimenko, M.V.Lisina
LaTeX and Its Commands. Main Concepts and Catalogue of Commands.
Protvino, 1998.- p.159, figs. 24, refs.:6.
IHEP 98 - 9 (in Russian)
Interpolational Properties of Planar Spiral Curves
Protvino, 1998.- p.24, figs. 11+10, refs.:5.
IHEP 98 - 10 (in Russian)
The Study of Inclusive Spectra of Secondary Pions and Protons with Small Momenta and Their Wide Correlations in pi- Be-interactions at 43 GeV/c
Protvino, 1998.- p.14, figs. 4, tables 4, refs.:23.
IHEP 98 - 11
G.I.Britvich, I.G.Britvich, V.G.Vasil'chenko, V.A.Lishin, V.F.Obraztsov, V.A.Polyakov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), A.S.Solov'ev (JINR, Dubna, Russia)
Search for New Scintillators for High Energy Resolution Electromagnetic Calorimeters
Protvino, 1998.- p.17, figs. 8, tables 2, refs.:36.
IHEP 98 - 12
Towards a Quantization of Four-Fermion Interaction
Protvino, 1998.- p.4, refs.:5.
IHEP 98 - 13 (in Russian)
Search for the Exotic States and Study of Rare Meson Decays in the GAMS Collaboration Experiments
Protvino, 1998.- p.80, figs. 45, tables 2, refs.:119.
IHEP 98 - 14 (in Russian)
V.A.Bumazhnov, V.I.Kochetkov, V.A.Onuchin, V.K.Semenov, A.P.Soldatov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), V.A.Mayatsky ( TOO "Uniplast", Vladimir, Russia)
Composite Scintillators for Presice Calorimetery
Protvino, 1998.- p.11, figs. 4, tables 2, refs.:27.
IHEP 98 - 15 (in Russian)
A.G.Afonin, V.M.Biryukov, V.A.Gavrilushkin, V.N.Gres', B.A.Zelenov, V.I.Kotov, V.A.Maisheev, A.V.Minchenko, V.N.Terekhov, E.F.Troyanov, Yu.A.Chesnokov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), M.G.Gordeeva, A.S.Denisov, Yu.M.Ivanov, A.A.Petrunin, V.V.Skorobogatov, B.A.Chunin (PNPI, St.Petersburg, Russia)
First Results on Experimental Study of Efficient Crystal Extraction at 70 GeV IHEP Accelerator
Protvino, 1998.- p.10, figs. 5, refs.:11.
IHEP 98 - 16
A.V.Kiselev and V.A.Petrov
Box anomaly and eta' --> pi+ pi- gamma decay
Protvino, 1998.- p.5, tables 2, refs.:15.
IHEP 98 - 17 (in Russian)
A.V.Bazilevsky, A.A.Durum, V.I.Kochetkov, V.K.Semenov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), E.P.Kistenev ( BNL, USA)
Position Measurements of Electrons and Photons in Electromagnetic Calorimeter PHENIX
Protvino, 1998.- p.9, figs. 6, refs.:6.
IHEP 98 - 18
F.F. Tikhonin
Production of the Higgs Scalars in Association with the Neutral Gauge Bosons at Muon Collider
Protvino, 1998.- p.5, figs 2., refs.:16.
IHEP 98 - 19
V.A.Litvin, F.F.Tikhonin
Restoring the Correct Asymptotic Behaviour of Amplitudes for the Case of Nonzero Mass Particles Collisions
Protvino, 1998.- p.4, figs. 2, refs.:6.
IHEP 98 - 20
Electromagnetic Interaction of Massive Spin-3 State from String Theory
Protvino, 1998.- p.16, refs.:26.
IHEP 98 - 21
Model for three generations of fermions
Protvino, 1998.- p.20, figs. 2, tables 1, refs.:14.
IHEP 98 - 22
S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.V.Tkabladze, A.V.Berezhnoy and A.I.Onishchenko
Theoretical status of the $B_c$ meson
Protvino, 1998.- p.26, figs. 12, tables 8, refs.:29.
IHEP 98 - 23
D.Alde, E.A.Knapp (LANL, Los Alamos USA), F.G.Binon (ULB, Brussels, Belgium), M.Boutemeur (CERN, Geneva, Switzerland), C.Bricman, J.P.Stroot (IISN, Brussels, Belgium), S.V.Donskov, A.V.Inyakin, V.A.Kachanov, G.V.Khaustov, A.A.Kondashov, A.A.Lednev, V.A.Lishin, Yu.D.Prokoshkin, S.A.Sadovsky, V.D.Samoilenko, P.M.Shagin, A.V.Sin'govsky, V.P.Sugonyaev ( IHEP, Protvino, Russia), M.Gouanere, J.P.Peigneux, M.Poulet (LAPP, Annecy, France), S.Inaba, T.Tsuru (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan), K.Takamatsu (MU, Miyazaki, Japan)
Study of the pi0 pi0 -system with the GAMS-4000 spectrometer at 100 GeV/c
Protvino, 1998.- p.24, figs. 11, refs.:25.
IHEP 98 - 24
S.M.Klishevich (IHEP, Protvino, Russia),
Massive Fields of Arbitrary Integer Spin in Homogeneous Electromagnetic Field
Protvino, 1998.- p.14, refs.:26.
IHEP 98 - 25
A.V.Dolgopolov, S.V.Donskov, A.A.Lednev, Yu.D.Prokoshkin, P.M.Shagin, A.V.Sin'govsky, V.P.Sugonyaev (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), Y.Fujii, S.Inaba, T.Tsuru (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan), T.Nakagawa (Tohoku University, Japan), K.Takamatsu (Faculty of Engineering, Miyazaki University, Japan), H.Shimizu(Department of Physics, Yamagata University, Japan)
Results of a Beam Test of the Combined Lead Glass and PWO Cells Detector for the COMPASS Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Protvino, 1998.- p.10, figs. 8, tables 1, refs.:6.
IHEP 98 - 26 (in Russian)
O.K.Belyaev, A.D.Ryabov, V.B.Stepanov
Investigation of Sector H-Cavity
Protvino, 1998.- p.12, figs. 10, tables 4, refs.:10.
IHEP 98 - 27 (in Russian)
On Accuracy of Point-to-Point Representation of Curves in Machinery Design
Protvino, 1998.- p.12, figs. 8, refs.:4.
IHEP 98 - 28 (in Russian)
Code Package MULTIC for Calculation of Magnetic Field with an Arbitrary Configuration
Protvino, 1998.- p.48, figs. 20, tables 12, refs.:14.
IHEP 98 - 29 (in Russian)
Relativistic Model of Mesons with Current Quark Masses
Protvino, 1998.- p.22, tables 6, refs.:17.
IHEP 98 - 30 (in Russian)
Production of Microcracs by Ionising Radiation in Bodies under Streagth
Protvino, 1998.- p.7, refs.:14.
IHEP 98 - 31 (in Russian)
Phase-Frequency Loop in the UNK
Protvino, 1998.- p.12, figs. 7, refs.:4.
IHEP 98 - 34
A.G.Afonin, A.A.Arkhipenko, V.I.Baranov, V.M.Biryukov, Yu.A.Chesnokov, V.A.Gavrilushkin, V.N.Gres, V.I.Kotov, V.A.Maisheev, A.V.Minchenko, V.I.Terekhov, E.F.Troyanov, V.A.Zelenov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), B.A.Chunin, A.S.Denisov, M.G.Gordeeva, Yu.M.Ivanov, A.A.Petrunin, V.V.Skorobogatov (PNPI, S.-Peterburg, Russia)
High-efficiency multipass extraction of 70 GeV protons from accelerator with a short bent crystal
Protvino, 1998.- p.6, figs. 2, refs.:13.
IHEP 98 - 35 (in Russian)
Particle Diffraction at High Energies
Protvino, 1998.- p.4, refs.:8.
IHEP 98 - 37 (in Russian)
Charge Particle Momentum Reconstruction in Magnetic Spectrometer (Experiment E925 in BNL)
Protvino, 1998.- p.5, figs. 1, refs.:11.
IHEP 98 - 38 (in Russian)
Knowledge Formation on Data Handling Technology in Information Systems
Protvino, 1998.- p.9, figs. 3, refs.:6.
IHEP 98 - 39
A.Gorin, A.Kuznetsov, I.Manuilov, A.Ryazantsev, A.Sidorov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia),M.Kobayashi (KEK, Tsukuba, Japan), K.Kuroda (Waseda University, Tokyo, JapanKyoto-Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan)
Peak-Sensing Discriminator for Multichannel Detectors with Cross-Talk
Protvino, 1998.- p.12, figs. 12, refs.:12.
IHEP 98 - 40 (in Russian)
V.N.Peleshko (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), P.A.Olisov (Turbotechnics, Protvino, Russia)
Influence of Oxygen Enriched Air to Diesel Engine Parameters
Protvino, 1998.- p.10, figs. 7, refs.:13.
IHEP 98 - 41
The Model for QCD Running Coupling Constant with Dynamically Generated Mass and Enhancement in the Infrared Region
Protvino, 1998.- p.7, figs. 3, refs.:14.
IHEP 98 - 42 (in Russian)
V.E.Borodin, V.N.Zapol'sky, V.P.Kryuchkov, S.L.Kuchinin, V.N.Lebedev, B.A.Serebryakov
Radiation Shielding of Accelerator and Experimental Area of IHEP
Protvino, 1998.- p.29, figs. 5, tables 5, refs.:32.
IHEP 98 - 43
A. Alekseev D. Gorbatkov, V. Kryuchkov, E. Savitskaya, O. Sumanev (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), T. Kosako (The University of Tokyo, Japan),K. Mio (Ishikawajima Harima Heavy Industries, Co. Ltd, Yokohama, Japan)
Optimization of Shielding Design for the Target Station of High Power Spallation Neutron Source
Protvino, 1998.- p.11, figs. 7, tables 3, refs.:21.
IHEP 98 - 44 (in Russian)
M.Yu.Bogolyubsky (IHEP, Protvino, Russia),I.V. Boguslavsky (JINR, Dubna, Russia), A.V. Kubarovsky, L.A. Tikhonova (MSU, Moscow, Russia)
Statistics of Rare Multichannel Processes and the Determination of the Total Charm Cross Section in the Experimet E-161
Protvino, 1998.- p.17, figs. 2, tables 3, refs.:26.
IHEP 98 - 45 (in Russian)
Switched Refrigeration System of Liquid Hydrogen Rapid Cycling Bubble Chamber
Protvino, 1998.- p. 20, figs. 7, tables 3, refs.:15.
IHEP 98 - 46 (in Russian)
A.M.Kiver, K.G.Mirzoev
Òhe Determination of Average Pressure by the Monte Carlo Method in the Vacuum Chamber of the UNK--600
Protvino, 1998.- p. 9, figs. 4, tables 2, refs.:10.
IHEP 98 - 48
S.I. Bityukov(IHEP, Protvino, Russia), N.V.Krasnikov (Institute for Nuclear Research RAS, Moscow, Russia),
On observability of signal over background
Protvino, 1998.- p.13, figs 8, tables 4, refs.:17.
IHEP 98 - 49 (in Russian)
Bazilevsky A.V, Kochetkov V.I.,Semenov V.K. (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), White S., Kistenev E.P.( BNL USA)
Electron/Hadron Separation in Electromagnetic Calorimeter PHENIX
Protvino, 1998.- p.13, figs. 7, refs.:11.
IHEP 98 - 50
Yu.F. Pirogov O.V. Zenin
Two-loop Renormalization Group Restrictions on the Standard Model and the Fourth Chiral Family
Protvino, 1998.- p.21, figs 11, refs.:27.
IHEP 98 -51
V.V.Ammosov, V.A.Gapienko, V.F.Konstantinov, Yu.M.Sviridov, V.G.Zaets (IHEP, Protvino, Russia),
Study of Avalanche Mode Operation of Resistive Plate Chambers with Different Gas Gap Structures
Protvino, 1998.- p.13, figs. 8, tables 2, refs.:9.
IHEP 98 - 52 (in Russian)
G.A. Shulaev (IHEP, Protvino)
Ginzburg - Landau Model
Protvino, 1998.- p.4 , refs.:4.
IHEP 98 - 53 (in Russian)
G.A. Shulaev (IHEP, Protvino)
Critical Indexes for Ginzburg - Landau Model
Protvino, 1998.- p.4 , refs.:4.
IHEP 98 - 54
V.A. Korotkov, S.B. Nurushev, K.E. Shestermanov, A.N. Vasiliev(IHEP, Protvino, Russia), A.A. Bogdanov, V.A. Okorokov, M.N. Strikhanov(JINR, Dubna, Russia)
The Inclusive Neutral Pion Polarimeter for High Energy Accelerators/Colliders
Protvino, 1998.- p.16 ,figs 9, tables 2, refs.:15.
IHEP 98 -55
B. Parker (BNL, USA), N.L. Smirnov, L.M. Tkachenko (IHEP, Protvino, Russia),
Development of Septum Quadrupole Prototype for DESY Upgrading Luminosity
Protvino, 1998.- p.9, figs. 5, tables 4, refs.:3.
IHEP 98 - 56
K.G. Klimenko
Magnetic Catalysis and Oscillating Effects in the Nambu -- Jona-Lasinio Model at Nonzero Chemical Potential
Protvino, 1998.- p.18, figs. 3, refs.:30.
IHEP 98 - 57 (in Russian)
Belikov S.V., Gurzhiev S.N., Lipaev V.V., Vasiliev I.A.
Calorimeter BARS Calibration by Stopped Muons
Protvino, 1998.- p.9, figs. 5, tables 2, refs.:4.
IHEP 98 -58
Yu.Arestov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), F.R.A.Simao ( CBPF, Brazil)
Polarization properties of diffractively produced Lambdac+.
Protvino, 1998.- p.8, figs.4, refs.:10.
IHEP 98 - 59 (in Russian)
V.A. Petrov R.A. Ryutin
On a Relation between Cross Sections of Deep Inelastic Scattering and Inclusive Annihilation
Protvino, 1998.- p.19, figs 13, refs.:36.
IHEP 98 - 60 (in Russian)
G.V. Borisov, N.K. Vishnevsky, E.V. Vlasov, Yu.P. Guz, R.I. Dzhelyadin, A.M. Zaitsev, V.V. Kostyukhin, S.V. Kopikov, B.F. Polyakov, Yu.A. Khokhlov ( IHEP, Protvino, Russia) G.G. Sehvanidze, E.G. Tsahadze, T.A. Lomtadze (Institute of Physics GAS, Tbilisi, Georgia)
Tracking System of the VES Facility
Protvino, 1998.- p.23, figs. 14, refs.:22.
IHEP 98 - 62
D.V. Amelin, E.B. Berdnikov, S.I. Bityukov, G.V. Borisov, V.A. Dorofeev, R.I. Dzhelyadin, A.V. Ekimov, Yu.P. Gouz, I.A. Kachaev, A.N. Karyukhin, Yu.A. Khokhlov, A.K. Konoplyannikov, V.F. Konstantinov, S.V. Kopikov, M.E. Kostrikov, V.V. Kostyukhin, S.A. Likhoded, V.D. Matveyev, A.P. Ostankov, D.I. Ryabchikov, A.A. Solodkov, O.V. Solovianov, E.A. Starchenko, N.K. Vishnevsky, E.V. Vlassov, A.M. Zaitsev (IHEP, Protvino), G.G. Sekhniaidze, E.G. Tskhadadze, (IPh, Tbilisi)
Study of $\eta\pi^-$ production by pions in the Coulomb field
Protvino, 1998.- p.8, figs. 5, refs.:7.
IHEP 98 - 63 (in Russian)
V.V. Kiselev
Universal Scaling Relations for Coupling Constants of Mesons Containing Heavy Quarks
Protvino, 1998.- p.43, figs. 3, tables 7, refs.:75.
IHEP 98 - 64
V.V. Kiselev, A.I. Onishchenko
Two-loop anomalous dimensions for currents of baryons with two heavy quarks in NRQCD
Protvino, 1998.- p.13, figs. 1, refs.:22.
IHEP 98 - 65
M.I.Barnik, S.G.Yudin (Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, Russia), V.G.Vasil'chenko, S.V.Golovkin, A.M.Medvedkov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), A.S.Solovjev (JINR, Dubna, Russia)
New Scintillating Media Based on Liquid Crystals for Particles Detectors
Protvino, 1998.- p.10, figs. 9, refs.:12.
IHEP 98 - 66
S.S.Gershtein, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko
Spectroscopy of doubly heavy baryons
Protvino, 1998.- p.22, figs. 4, tables 9, refs.:16.
IHEP 98 - 68 (in Russian)
A G. Alexeev
Yu. V. Bistrov, V.T. Golovachik (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), S.A. Kharlampiev ( Rosenergoatom, Moscow)
Dosimeter Based on Ionization Chambers for Metrology of Radiation Safety at Accelerator
Protvino, 1998.- p.10, figs. 6, tables 1, refs.:19.
IHEP 98 - 69 (in Russian)
A.V. Pleskach
Method of Evalution of the of Cold Electronics Stability Inside Cryogenic Detectors Towards on Chips Surfaces Boiling
Protvino, 1998.- p.11, figs. 3, tables 6, refs.:9.
IHEP 98 - 70
S. M. Klishevich
Massive Fields of Arbitrary Half-Integer Spin in Constant Electromagnetic Field
Protvino, 1998.- p.15, refs.:21.
IHEP 98 - 71
G.I. Britvich,I.G. Britvich, V.G. Vasil'chenko, V.A. Lishin, V.F. Obraztsov, V.A. Polyakov(IHEP, Protvino, Russia), A.S. Solov'ev,(JINR, Dubna, Russia) , V.D. Ryzhikov (Institute of Monocrystals, Khar'kov, Ukraine )
New Heavy Scintillating Materials for Precise Heterogeneous EM-Calorimeters
Protvino, 1998.- p.16, figs. 9, tables 2, refs.:31.
IHEP 98 - 72 (in Russian)
A.N. Vasil'ev, V.N. Grishin, Yu.A. Matulenko, V.V. Mochalov, A.I. Pavlinov, L.F. Solov'ev, V.L. Solov'yanov
Experimental Study of Angular Dependence of the Electromagnetic Shower
Protvino, 1998.- p.11, figs. 10, tables 1, refs.:4.
IHEP 98 - 73 (in Russian)
Yu.F. Pirogov
Background Field Method in Gauge Theories
Protvino, 1998.- p.68, figs. 7, refs.:28.
IHEP 98 - 79
V.A. Maisheev
Gamma-Beam Propagation in the Anisotropic Medium
Protvino, 1998.- p.13, figs. 4, tables 1, refs.:18.
IHEP 98 - 80 (in Russian)
V.V. Lapin
On Characteristics of Tune Adjustment System for Slow Third-Order Resonant Beam Extraction out of 70 GeV IHEP Proton Synchrotron
Protvino, 1998.- p.5, figs. 4, refs.:5.
IHEP 98 - 81
S. M. Klishevich
Massive Fields of Arbitrary Integer Spin in Symmetrical Einstein Space
Protvino, 1998.- p.15, refs.:23.
IHEP 98 - 83
V.E. Rochev
A Mechanism for Dynamical Generation of SU(2) Georgi-Glashow Model
Protvino, 1998.- p.11, refs.:9.
IHEP 98 - 84
V.V. Abramov
A New Scaling for Single-Spin Asymmetry in Meson and Baryon Hadroproduction
Protvino, 1998.- p.24, figs. 25, tables 9, refs.:33.
IHEP 98 - 85 (in Russian)
A.A. Logunov
On Tomas Precession
Protvino, 1998.- p.6.
IHEP 98 - 86 (in Russian)
S.V. Kopikov, D.V. Matveev, O.V. Solovyanov
High speed MISS-ISA interface for VES data acquisition system
Protvino, 1998.- p.13, figs. 3, tables 8, refs.:5.
IHEP 98 - 87
S.I. Alekhin, A.L. Kataev
The NLO DGLAP extraction of alphas and higher twist terms from CCFR xF3 and F2 structure functions data for $\nu N$ DIS
Protvino, 1998.- p.9, figs. 1, tables 2, refs.:37.
IHEP 98 - 89 (in Russian)
T.V. Egoshina, L.A. Rebrova
Expert System "Diagnosis"
Protvino, 1998.- p.11, refs.:7.
IHEP 98 - 90 (in Russian)
T.V. Egoshina
The Development of Information System "Kadry".
Protvino, 1998.- p.5, refs.:5.
IHEP Publications Support team