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IHEP 2000 - 36
A.A.Bogdanov, S.B.Nurushev, A.Penzo
New approaches to the pp total cross section measurements at polarized colliders
Protvino, 2000.-p.14, figs.3, tables 5, refs.:25.

It is proposed to extract the $pp$ total cross section, $\sigma_T(pp)$, from the analyzing power measurement in elastic $pp$ scattering in the Coulomb-Nuclear Interference region. Contributions to an accuracy of $\sigma_T(pp)$ determination are estimated, which arise from different sources, including the single spin-flip interaction. Applicability of the factor of merit to the extraction of the $\sigma_T(pp)$ from experimental data is briefly discussed. The conclusion is made that under some conditions the precisely measured analyzing power, $A_N(t)$, might be a good approach for $\sigma_T(pp)$ determination.

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