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IHEP 2000 - 57 (In Russian)
V.V.Braguta, A.E.Chalov ( Institute of Physics and Technology, Moscow, Russia) A.A.Likhoded (IHEP, Protvino, Russia)
Transverse Vuon Polarization in the $K_{l2\gamma}$ Decay Due to the Electromagnetic Final State Interaction
Protvino, 2000.-p.11, figs.4, refs.:9.

The effect of the transverse muon polarization in the $K^+ \to \mu^+ \nu \gamma$ process, caused by the electromagnetic final state interaction, is analyzed. It is shown that for the one-loop calculations the value of the muon transverse polarization varies within $(0.0 \div 1.5\cdot 10^{-2})$ in the Dalitz plot region. Averaged value of the muon transverse polarization, $\langle P_T \rangle$, in the kinematic region of $E_\gamma \geq 20$~MeV is equal to $1.1\cdot 10^{-3}$.

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