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IHEP 2007 - 17 (In Russian)
Longitudinal Instability of a Continuous Beam in a Proton Synchrotron
Protvino, 2007. - p. 11, figs. 7, refs.8: .

Outcomes of a study for threshold of a longitudinal coherent instability of a continuous beam circulating at a constant energy in a proton synchrotron are reported. Attribute "continuous” refers to a beam in an intermediate state, which is neither bunched nor azimuthally uniform. Such a beam wraps closely around (and outside of) empty RF buckets imposed by a longitudinal sine-wave electric field, thus having a stripe-like footprint in the longitudinal phase plane. The approach is applied to the U70 proton synchrotron of IHEP where, in course of a slow stochastic extraction, a waiting beam stack constitutes the "continuous beam” in question. It orbits around empty 200 MHz RF buckets while being subjected a-few-seconds-long interaction with a fundamental mode of idle ferrite-loaded accelerating cavities of the main 5.5–6 MHz RF system that might result in a loss of longitudinal stability. perspective use of detectors in the SQS-regime are presented.

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