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IHEP 2009 - 20 (In Russian)
I.L.Azhgirey, S.P.Denisov, G.I.Krupnyi, A.V.Levin, N.N.Prokopenko, Ya.N.Rastsvetalov
Argon activation by 50 GeV protons
Protvino, 2009. – p. 7, figs. 5, tables 2, refs.: 5.

Production of gamma radionuclides in collisions of 50 GeV proton beam with natural argon was investigated. The Marinelly vessels filled with gaseous argon and air at 1 atm pressure were exposed by the proton beam of the IHEP accelerator. Vessel with air was used to measure the background level. Total of 8,8×1014 protons were passed through the vessel with gaseous argon during the experiment. Volume activities of nuclides and their production cross sections are presented.

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