Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - GOLDHABER 1960
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics


Goldhaber, G.; Goldhaber, S.; Lee, W.; Pais, A.;
Influence of Bose-Einstein Statistics on the Antiproton-Proton Annihilation Process
Phys. Rev. 120 (1960) 300;

Recent observations of angular distributions of π mesons in anti-p-p annihilation indicate a deviation from the predictions of the usual Fermi statistical model. In order to shed light on these phenomena, a modification of the statistical model is studied. We retain the assumption that the transition rate into a given final state is proportional to the probability of finding N free π mesons in the reaction volume, but express this probability in terms of wave functions symmetrized with respect to particles of like-charge. The justification of this assumption is discussed. The model reproduces the experimental results qualitatively, provided the radius of the interaction volume is between one-half and three-fourths of the pion Compton wavelength; the dependence of angular correlation effects on the value of the radius is rather sensitive. Quantitatively, there seems to remain some discrepancy, but we cannot say whether this is due to experimental uncertainties or to some other dynamic effects. In the absence of information on π-π interactions and of a fully satisfactory explanation of the mean pion multiplicity for annihilation, we wish to emphasize the preliminary nature of our results, We consider them, however, as an indication that the symmetrization effects discussed here may well play a major role in the analysis of angular distributions. It is pointed out that in this respect the energy dependence of the angular correlations may provide valuable clues for the validity of our model.

Accelerator LBL Detectors HLBC-30IN

Related references
Analyse data from
G. Goldhaber et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 3 (1959) 181;

  anti-p p + 1.05 GeV (Plab) cor, ang
  anti-p p + 1.05 GeV (Plab) cor, ang

Record comments
Interpretation of the enhancement in the production of like charge pairs of pions with similar momenta as an influence of Bose-Einstein correlations.
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