Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - SKOBELZYN 1929
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics


Skobelzyn, D.V.;
Über eine neue Art sehr schneller -Strahlen / A New Type of Very Fast Beta Rays
Z. Phys. 54 (1929) 686;

Reprinted in
Selected Papers of Soviet Physicists, Usp. Fiz. Nauk 93 (1967) 331.

From about 600 pictures obtained with a Wilson chamber in the uniform magnetic field, 32 pictures were found with tracks originated outside of the Wilson chamber and not affected noticeably by the magnetic field. One has to assign to these tracks energies greater than 15000 eV. Approximately calculated ionization effect of these tracks was about 1, the angular distribution shows a sharp excess of tracks directed to large angles with respect to the horizontal plane. One should assign these rays to the secondary electrons created by Hess ultra- rays. It should be stressed that simultaneous appearance of several such tracks occurred from common centers. Possible effects important to theme thods of measuring of "high altitude rays'' and anomalies of "transition zones'' are discussed.

Accelerator COSM Detectors CLOUD

Related references
More (earlier) information appears in
D. V. Skobelzyn, Z. Phys. 28 (1924) 278;
D. V. Skobelzyn, Z. Phys. 43 (1927) 354;
See also
L. Myssowsky and L. Tuwim, Z. Phys. 36 (1926) 615;
R. A. Millikan and G. H. Cameron, Phys. Rev. 31 (1928) 921;
R. A. Millikan and G. H. Cameron, Phys. Rev. 28 (1926) 865;
W. Kolhoerster and W. Bothe, Naturw. 16 (1928) 1045;
W. Kolhoerster, Z. Phys. 34 (1925) 147;
O. Klein and Y. Nishina, Z. Phys. 52 (1928) 853;
E. Rutherford, Proc. Roy. Soc. A122 (1929) 15;
Analyse data from
E. Steinke, Z. Phys. 48 (1928) 671;
E. Steinke, Z. Phys. 48 (1928) 656;
E. Steinke, Z. Phys. 42 (1927) 593;

  e >0.015 MeV (Plab) flux

Particles studied
  shower ex

Record comments
Birth of cosmic rays particle physics. Observation of energetic cosmic electrons and a shower produced by cosmic ray particle.
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