In this paper the relation which hold in the collisions between particles and H nuclei have been investigated. (1) The angular distribution of the H particles projected by particles of mean range 6.6 cm has been determined up to an angle of 66°.The distribution of rays of mean ranges 8.2, 4.3, and 2.9 cm has been obtained over a smaller range of angle. It
is shown that the number of H particles projected within these angles by rays of high velocity is greatly in excess of that given by forces varying as the inverse square of the distance between the centres of the two nuclei. (2) The variation in the number of H particles projected within a given angle with the velocity of the rays has been observed over a wide range. It is shown that for
rays of high velocity the variation is in the opposite direction to that given by the inverse square law; for rays of range less than 2 cm, velocity less than 1.26 x 109 per sec., however, the collision relation is about the same as that given by the inverse square law. (3) The experimental collision relation is compared with those calculated by Darwin for various models of particle, and the conclusion
is reached that the particle behaves in these collisions as an elastic oblate spheroid of semi-axis about 8 x 10-13 and 4 x 10-13 cm, moving in the direction of its minor axis. Outside this surface the force varies approximately as the inverse square of the distance from the centre of the spheroid. .
Detectors CNTR
Related references More (earlier) information appears in J. Chadwick, Phil. Mag. 40 (1920) 734;
See also C. G. Darwin, Phil. Mag. 41 (1921) 486;
C. G. Darwin, Phil. Mag. 27 (1914) 499;
Analyse data from E. Rutherford, Phil. Mag. 37 (1919) 537;
He p He p
<5.6 MeV (Tlab)
Record comments
Evidence for the strong interactions.