Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - BLOOM 1969B
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics

  Nobel prize to J. I. Friedman, H. W. Kendall, and R. E. Taylor awarded in 1990 "for their pioneering investigations concerning deep inelastic scattering of electrons on protons and bound neutrons, which have been of essential importance for the development of the quark model in particle physics''  


Bloom, E.D.; Coward, D.H.; de Staebler, H.C.; Drees, J.; Mo, L.W.; Taylor, R.E.; Breidenbach, M.; Friedman, J.I.; Kendall, H.W.;
High-Energy Inelastic e p Scattering at 6° and 10°
Phys. Rev. Lett. 23 (1969) 930;

Reprinted in
R. N. Cahn and G. Goldhaber, The Experimental Foundations of Particle Physics, Cambridge Univ. Press (1991) 240.

Cross sections for inelastic scattering of electrons from hydrogen were measured for incident energies from 7 to 17 GeV at scattering angles of 6° to 10° covering a range of squared four-momentum transfers up to 7.4 (GeV/c)2. For low center-of-mass energies of the final hadronic system the cross section shows prominent resonances at low momentum transfer and diminishes markedly at higher momentum transfer. For high excitations the cross section shows only a weak momentum-transfer dependence.

Accelerator SLAC Detectors SPEC

Related references
See also
J. D. Bjorken, Ann.Phys. 24 (1963) 201;
F. J. Gilman, Phys. Rev. 167 (1968) 1365;
A. A. Cone et al., Phys. Rev. 156 (1967) 1490;
A. A. Cone et al., Phys. Rev. 163 (1967) 1854;
H. W. Kendall and D. Isabelle, Bull.Am.Phys.Soc. 9 (1964) 94;
W. Bartel, B. Dudelzak, H. Krehbiel, and J. McElroy, Phys. Lett. 28B (1968) 148;
A. M. Boyarski et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 20 (1968) 300;
R. Anderson, D. Gustavson, R. Prepos, and D. M. Ritson, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. 66 (1968) 328;
L. W. Mo and Y. S. Tsai, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 41 (1969) 205;
F. W. Brasse, J. Engler, E. Ganssauge, and M. Schweizer, Nuovo Cim. 55A (1968) 679;

  e p e X 0.39-6.7 GEV2 (Q2) p, angp

Record comments
First evidence for Bjorken scaling behavior.
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