Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - BORN 1926B
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics

  Nobel prize to Max Born awarded in 1954 "for his fundamental research in quantum mechanics, especially for his statistical interpretation of the wave-function''. Co-winner W. Bothe "for the coincidence method and his discoveries made therewith''  

BORN 1926B

Born, M.;
Zur Quantenmechanik der Stoßvorgänge / Quantum Mechanics of Collision
Z. Phys. 37 (1926) 863;

Reprinted in
Dokumente der Naturwissenschaft, I (1962) 48.
(translation into English) On the Quantum Mechanics of Collisions. Quantum Theory of Measurement, ed. J. A. Wheeler, W. H. Zurek Princeton Univ. Press (1983) 52.

Durch eine Untersuchung der Stoßvorgänge wird die Auffassung entwickelt, daß die Quantenmechanik in der Schrödingerschen Form nicht nur die stationären Zustände, sondern auch die Quantensprünge zu beschreiben gestattet.

Abstract Through the investigation of collisions it is argued that quantum mechanics in the Schrödinger form allows one to describe not only stationary states but also quantum jumps.

Record comments
Statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics. Quantum theory of scattering. Born approximation.
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