Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - DUNNINGTON 1939
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics


Dunnington, F.G.;
A Re-evaluation of the Atomic Constants
Phys. Rev. 55 (1939) 683;

Full Text
The experimental work on all significant determinations of the atomic constants e, m and h has been reexamined and the results recalculated with two changes:

all assumptions as to values of combinations of atomic constants have been eliminated so that the results given represent what the experiments actually yield and
a consistent set of auxiliary constants has been used throughout.
A Birge-Bond diagram will be given to present the results graphically and illustrate clearly the discrepancy. A least squares solution of these results has been made without using the Rydberg formula. The results are: eqnarray* e &= (4.8025 ± 0.0007) ´ 10-10 e.s.u.,
m &= (9.1073 ± 0.0024) ´ 10-28 g,
h &= (6.6133 ± 0.0034) ´ 10-27 erg · sec.,
e/m0 &= (1.7590 ± 0.0004) ´ 107 e.m.u.,
h/e &= (1.3771 ± 0.0007) ´ 10-17 e.s.u. eqnarray* As to where the discrepancy originates, this solution together with an analysis of each type of measurement as to the fundamental laws involved indicates that either:

Related references
See also
R. T. Birge, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 1 (1929) 14;
R. T. Birge, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 1 (1929) 45;
R. T. Birge, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 1 (1929) 54;
R. T. Birge, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 1 (1929) 60;
R. T. Birge, Phys. Rev. 40 (1932) 213;
R. T. Birge, Phys. Rev. 40 (1932) 228;
R. T. Birge, Phys. Rev. 52 (1937) 241;
R. T. Birge, Phys. Rev. 54 (1938) 972;
R. T. Birge, Nature 134 (1934) 771;
R. T. Birge, Nature 137 (1936) 187;
J. W. M. DuMond and V. Bollman, Phys. Rev. 50 (1936) 524;
J. W. M. DuMond and V. Bollman, Phys. Rev. 51 (1937) 400;
J. W. M. DuMond and V. Bollman, Phys. Rev. 54 (1938) 1005;
R. Ladenburg, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 28 (1937) 458;
J. W. M. DuMond, Phys. Rev. 52 (1937) 1251;
R. A. Millikan, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 32 (1938) 34;
J. A. Bearden, Phys. Rev. 48 (1935) 385;
J. A. Bearden, Phys. Rev. 48 (1935) 698;
P. Haglund, Z. Phys. 94 (1935) 369;
F. Tyren, Z. Phys. 109 (1938) 722;
F. G. Dunnington, Phys. Rev. 52 (1937) 498;
R. C. Williams, Phys. Rev. 54 (1938) 568;
R. C. Gibbs and R. C. Williams, Phys. Rev. 48 (1935) 971;
A. E. Shaw, Phys. Rev. 54 (1938) 193;
C. D. Shane and F. H. Spedding, Phys. Rev. 47 (1935) 33;
L. Livingston and H. A. Bethe, Rev. of Mod. Phys. 9 (1937) 373;
W. V. Houston, Phys. Rev. 30 (1927) 608;
L. E. Kinsler and W. V. Houston, Phys. Rev. 45 (1934) 104;
L. E. Kinsler and W. V. Houston, Phys. Rev. 46 (1934) 533;
C. T. Perry and E. L. Chaffee, Phys. Rev. 36 (1930) 904;
F. Kirchner, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 8 (1931) 975;
F. Kirchner, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 12 (1932) 503;
P. A. Ross and P. Kirkpatrick, Phys. Rev. 45 (1934) 223;
P. A. Ross and P. Kirkpatrick, Phys. Rev. 45 (1934) 454;
P. A. Ross and P. Kirkpatrick, Phys. Rev. 46 (1934) 668;
G. Schaitberger, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 24 (1935) 84;
H. Feder, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 1 (1929) 497;
E. Brunner, Phys. Rev. 53 (1938) 457;
J. Gnan, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 20 (1934) 361;
R. V. McIbon and E. Rupp, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 13 (1932) 725;
F. Bloch, Phys. Rev. 46 (1934) 674;
H. R. Robinson, Andrews, and Irons, Proc. Roy. Soc. A143 (1933) 48;
H. R. Robinson and C. J. B. Clews, Proc. Roy. Soc. A149 (1935) 587;
H. R. Robinson, Proc. Roy. Soc. 46 (1934) 693;
H. R. Robinson, Phil. Mag. 22 (1936) 1129;
W. A. Wooster, Proc. Roy. Soc. A114 (1927) 729;
G. G. Kretschniar, Phys. Rev. 43 (1933) 417;
L. W. Alvarez, Phys. Rev. 47 (1935) 636;
G. Kellstrom, Phil. Mag. 23 (1937) 313;
W. V. Houston, Phys. Rev. 51 (1937) 446;
W. V. Houston, Phys. Rev. 52 (1937) 751;
W. N. Bond, Proc. Roy. Soc. 49 (1937) 205;
P. J. Rigden, Phil. Mag. 25 (1938) 961;
G. B. Banerjea and B. Pattanaik, Nature 141 (1938) 1016;
E. L. Harrington, Phys. Rev. 8 (1916) 738;
R. A. Millikan, Phil. Mag. 34 (1917) 1;
E. Backlin and H. Flemberg, Nature 137 (1936) 655;
E. O. Lawrence, Phys. Rev. 28 (1926) 947;
L. C. van Atta, Phys. Rev. 38 (1931) 876;
L. C. van Atta, Phys. Rev. 39 (1932) 1012;
A. E. Shaw, Phys. Rev. 44 (1933) 1009;
J. E. Roberts and R. Whiddington, Phil. Mag. 12 (1931) 962;
R. Whiddington and E. G. Woodroofe, Phil. Mag. 20 (1935) 1109;
C. Muller, Z. Phys. 82 (1933) 1;
F. E. Hoare, Phil. Mag. 6 (1928) 828;
F. E. Hoare, Phil. Mag. 13 (1932) 380;
W. V. Houston and Y. M. Hsieh, Phys. Rev. 45 (1934) 263;
F. H. Spedding, C. D. Shane, and Grace, Phys. Rev. 47 (1935) 38;

Record comments
Further development of the metrology of fundamental physics parameters.
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