Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - INNES 1977
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics

INNES 1977

Innes, W.R.; Appel, J.A.; Brown, B.C.; Brown, C.N.; Ueno, K.; Yamanouchi, T.; Herb, S.W.; Hom, D.C.; Lederman, L.M.; Sens, J.C.; Snyder, H.D.; Yoh, J.K.; Fisk, R.J.; Ito, A.S.; Jostlein, H.; Kaplan, D.M.; Kephart, R.D.;
Observation of Structure in the Region
Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977) 1240; Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977) 1640;

Reprinted in
J. L. Rosner, New Particles. Selected Reprints, Stony Brook, American Association of Physics Teachers (1981) 102.

The properties of the dimuon enhancement seen in 400 GeV proton-nucleus collisions have been clarified by a threefold increase in data. We find two peaks whose widths are consistent with our resolution:
M1 = 9.4 GeV with B d /dy | y = 0 = 1.8 x 10-37 cm2/nucleon and
M2 = 10.0 GeV with B d /dy |y = 0 = 0.7 x 10-37 cm2/nucleon.
Evidence for the possible existence of a third peak near 10.4 GeV is discuss ed as are the comparisons with the properties of a q system, where q is a new heavy quark.

Accelerator FNAL Detectors SPEC

Related references
More (earlier) information appears in
S. W. Herb et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 39 (1977) 252;
See also
T. K. Gaisser, F. Halzen, and E. A. Paschos, Phys. Rev. D15 (1977) 2572;
M. Barnett, in Proceedings of the European Conference on Particle Physics, Budapesht (July 1977);
Analyse data from
E. Eichten and K. Gottfried, Phys. Lett. 66B (1977) 286;

Experiment comments
High mass peak may be split.

  p Pt + X 400 GeV (Plab) mass
  p Cu + X 400 GeV (Plab) mass
  p nucleus + X 400 GeV (Plab) mass
  p nucleus (1S) X 400 GeV (Plab) cs
  p Pt (1S) X 400 GeV (Plab) cs
  p Cu (1S) X 400 GeV (Plab) cs
  p nucleus (2S) X 400 GeV (Plab) cs
  p Pt (2S) X 400 GeV (Plab) cs
  p Cu (2S) X 400 GeV (Plab) cs

Particles studied
  (1S) mass
  (2S) ex, mass, w, qn

Record comments
Evidence for the (2S) resonance.
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