Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - LAWRENCE 1939
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics


Lawrence, E.O.; Alvarez, L.W.; Brobeck, W.M.; Cooksey, D.; Corson, D.R.; McMillan, E.M.; Salisbury, W.W.; Thornton, R.L.;
Initial Performance of the 60-Inch Cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, University of California
Phys. Rev. 56 (1939) 124;

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During the past few weeks, we have been engaged in the adjustments of the 60-inch cyclotron of the William H. Crocker Radiation Laboratory, and at this time we wish to report its initial performance.
As is always fruitful in first turning on a cyclotron, we looked for resonance in the first instance by placing a Geiger counter nearby. With hydrogen, proton resonance was found close to the expected value of magnet current, and we proceeded to build up the intensity of the resonance effect by adjusting the magnetic field with shims. Following this adjustment, the beam to the target was observed and further shimming yielded 25 microamperes at eight-million volt protons. Probe measurements indicated about 100 microamperes circulating within the dees.
Next the hydrogen was replaced with deuterium at a pressure about one tenth that normally used in our 37-inch cyclotron, and the procedure of adjustment was repeated. Again resonance of deuterons was first observed with a Geiger counter and shims were used to build up the effect. (Extracted from the introductory part of the paper.).

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First cyclotron for medical applications.
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