Majorana, E.; Symmetrical Theory of Electrons and Positrons
Nuovo Cim. 14 (1937) 171;
A new method of quantization is proposed which allows Dirac's theory of the positron to be built up in such a form that there is complete symmetry between the positive and negative charge throughout the formalism of the theory, while in Dirac's original form this symmetry applied only to the results of the theory, which had to be obtained by using ambiguous mathematical operations such as subtraction of infinities. It is also claimed that the new method of quantization is capable of describing a
neutral particle without states of negative kinetic energy and without introducing a "mirror image'' like the positron. (Science Abstracts. 1937, 4685. R. P. ).
Record comments
Symmetrical theory of electrons and positrons. Majorana neutrino theory.