The test of Einstein's photoelectric equation which I have considered and save in the case of the last, subjected to accurate experimental verification are: 1. The existence of a definite and exactly determinable maximum energy of emission of corpuscules under the influence of a given wavelength. 2. The existence of a linear relationship between photo-potential and the frequency of the incident light. 3. The exact appearance of Planck's h in the slope of the potential-frequency
line. The photoelectric method is one of the most accurate available methods for fixing this constant. 4. The agreement of the long wave-length limit with the intercept of the P.D., line, when the latter has been displaced by the amount of the contact E.M.F. 5. Contact E.M.F.'s are accurately given by h/ e(0 - 0') - (V0 - V0'). .
Detectors OTHER
Related references More (earlier) information appears in R. A. Millikan, Winchester, Phil. Mag. 14 (1907) 201;
R. A. Millikan, Winchester, Phys. Rev. XXIV (1906) 16;
R. A. Millikan, Phys. Rev. VI (1915) 55;
R. A. Millikan, Phys. Rev. IV (1914) 73;
R. A. Millikan, Winchester, Phil. Mag. 14 (1907) 188;
See also Page, Am. Jr. Sci. 36 (1913) 501;
W. Schottky, Phys.Zeitschr. 15 (1914) 624;
Kadesch, Phys. Rev. 3 (1914) 367;
Lienhop, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 21 (1906) 284;
W. Schottky, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 44 (1914) 1011;
Analyse data from O. V. Richardson, A. H. Compton, Phil. Mag. 24 (1912) 592;
O. V. Richardson, A. H. Compton, Phil. Mag. 24 (1912) 572;
K. Ramsauer, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 45 (1914) 961;
K. Ramsauer, Annalen der Physik. Leipzig 45 (1914) 1120;
atom e X
Hg(atom) e X
Record comments
First conclusive measurement of energy quantization in the photoelectric effect.