Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics - SALAM 1957
Chronology of Milestone Events in Particle Physics

SALAM 1957

Salam, A.;
On Parity Conservation and Neutrino Mass
Nuovo Cim. 5 (1957) 299;

Reprinted in
The Development of Weak Interaction Theory, editor P. K. Kabir, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, New York - London, (1963) 63.
Selected papers of Abdus Salam: with commentary, editors A. Ali, C. Isham, T. Kibble, and Riazuddin, (World Scientific series in 20th century physics, 5), World Scientific, Singapore (1994) 167.

Yang and Lee* have recently suggested that present experimental evidence does not exclude the possibility that parity is not conserved in -decay. If future experiments confirm this, it may be possible to relate parity-violation in neutrino-decays to the vanishing of neutrino mass and self-mass. The argument is as follows: the free neutrino Lagrangian is invariant for the substitution 5 ( -5). If it is further postulated that neutrino interactions produce no self-mass, one way to secure this is to require that the total Lagrangian also remain invariant for the same substitution (so that - ) while other fields (barring degeneracies which we consider later) remain unchanged. In so far as and 5 have opposite intrinsic parity, most neutrino interactions would then violate parity conservation.
scriptsize * C. N. Yang and T. D. Lee. The author is indebted for a pre-print.

Related references
Analyse data from
J. Tiomno, Nuovo Cim. 1 (1955) 226;

Particles studied
  qn, mom, mass
  qn, mom, mass

Record comments
Postulation of 5 invariance for the weak interaction Lagrangian. Two-component theory of neutrino.
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