1890 | PERRIN 1895 Observation that cathode rays are the flow of negatively charged particles. |
Russian Full text in
format (perrin95/rus.tex); | |
BECQUEREL 1896B Evidence for spontaneous radioactivity effect. | |
English Full text in
format (becquerel96b/eng.tex); | |
BECQUEREL 1896C Confirmation of the effect of spontaneous radioactivity. | |
English Full text in
format (becquerel96c/eng.tex); | |
BECQUEREL 1896F Uranium radioactivity established. | |
English Full text in
format (becquerel96f/eng.tex); | |
THOMSON 1897 Discovery of the electron, the first elementary particle. | |
English Full text in
format (thomson97/eng.tex); | |
RUTHERFORD 1899 Evidence for the α and β components of uranium radiation. | |
English Full text in
format (rutherford99/eng.tex); | |
1900 | BECQUEREL 1900 Confirmation of the γ radioactivity. |
Russian Full text in
format (becquerel00/rus.tex); | |
PLANCK 1900 Discovery of a new formula for the energy spectrum of the black body radiation, Planck's radiation law. | |
English Full text in
format (planck00/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (planck00/rus.tex); | |
PLANCK 1900B Quantum hypothesis and explanation of the black body radiation spectrum. Beginnings of the quantum era in physics. | |
English Full text in
format (planck00b/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (planck00b/rus.tex); | |
PLANCK 1901 Quantum hypothesis and final version of Planck's formula for the black body radiation spectrum. | |
English Full text in
format (planck01/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (planck01/rus.tex); | |
LEBEDEV 1901 First experimental evidence for pressure of the light on the solid bodies. | |
English Full text in
format (lebedev01/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (lebedev01/rus.tex); | |
RUTHERFORD 1903 Observation that α rays are the flow of doubly positive charged particles. | |
English Full text in
format (rutherford03/eng.tex); | |
EINSTEIN 1905 Explanation of the photoelectric effect with use of the quantum hypothesis of Planck. Light is a flow of corpuscular objects with definite energies - Planck's quanta of energy. | |
English Full text in
format (einstein05/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (einstein05/rus.tex); | |
EINSTEIN 1905B Invention of the theory of special relativity. Beginnings of the relativistic era in physics. | |
English Full text in
format (einstein05b/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (einstein05b/rus.tex); | |
EINSTEIN 1905C Invention of the theory of special relativity, E = mc2. Beginnings of the relativistic era in physics. | |
English Full text in
format (einstein05c/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (einstein05c/rus.tex); | |
STARK 1909 First explicit identification of the photon as a genuine elementary particle possessing both energy and momentum. | |
English Full text in
format (stark09/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (stark09/rus.tex); | |
1910 | MILLIKAN 1911 First conclusive measurement of the charge of the electron. |
English Full text in
format (millikan11/eng.tex); | |
RUTHERFORD 1911 Evidence for the atomic nucleus. Rutherford model for atomic structure. | |
English Full text in
format (rutherford11/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (rutherford11/rus.tex); | |
HESS 1912 Conclusive evidence for the cosmic rays. | |
English Full text in
format (hess12/eng.tex); | |
WILSON 1912 Invention of the cloud chamber to visualize tracks of ionizing particles. | |
English Full text in
format (wilson12/eng.tex); | |
BOHR 1913 Invention of the quantum theory of atomic spectra based on the Rutherford model of atomic structure - Bohr's atom. | |
English Full text in
format (bohr13/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (bohr13/rus.tex); | |
BOHR 1913B Bohr's quantum theory of atomic spectra. Evidence that radioactivity is a nuclear property. | |
English Full text in
format (bohr13b/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (bohr13b/rus.tex); | |
RUTHERFORD 1913 Confirmation of the existence of atomic nuclei. First indication of the existence of the proton. | |
English Full text in
format (rutherford13/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (rutherford13/rus.tex); | |
MILLIKAN 1916 First conclusive measurement of energy quantization in the photoelectric effect. | |
English Full text in
format (millikan16/eng.tex); | |
BOHR 1918 Bohr's invention of correspondence principle. | |
English Full text in
format (bohr18/eng.tex); | |
RUTHERFORD 1919 Discovery of the proton. Evidence for the proton as a constituent of the nucleus. | |
English Full text in
format (rutherford19/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (rutherford19/rus.tex); | |
1920 | RUTHERFORD 1920 Rutherford neutron hypothesis. |
English Full text in
format (rutherford20/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (rutherford20/rus.tex); | |
CHADWICK 1921 Evidence for the strong interactions. | |
English Full text in
format (chadwick21/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (chadwick21/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (chadwick21/rus.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (chadwick21/rus.tex); | |
COMPTON 1923 Direct experimental confirmation that the photon is an elementary particle, the Compton effect. | |
English Full text in
format (compton23/eng.tex); | |
WILSON 1923 Experimental confirmation of the ionization process predicted by Compton for a corpuscular photon. | |
English Full text in
format (wilson23/eng.tex); | |
BOSE 1924 Discovery of new statistical counting rules for light quanta and a new derivation of Planck's radiation law. Known as Bose-Einstein quantum statistics for particles with integer spins. | |
English Full text in
format (bose24/eng.tex); | |
BORN 1925 Invention of matrix formalism for the Heisenberg quantum mechanics. Systems with one degree of freedom. | |
English Full text in
format (born25/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (born25/eng.tex); | |
BORN 1926 Development of matrix formalism for the Heisenberg quantum mechanics. Systems with arbitrary many degrees of freedom. | |
English Full text in
format (born26/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (born26/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (born26/eng.tex); | |
FERMI 1926B Invention of statistics for ensembles of particles obeying Pauli principle - Fermi-Dirac quantum statistics. | |
English Full text in
format (fermi26b/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (fermi26b/rus.tex); | |
DIRAC 1927 First steps in quantum field theory. Invention of the second quantization method. | |
English Full text in
format (dirac27/eng.tex); | |
GAMOW 1928 Explanation of α decay as a consequence of quantum-mechanical tunneling through a potential barrier. | |
English Full text in
format (gamow28/eng.tex); | |
1930 | OPPENHEIMER 1930 First evidence of ultraviolet divergences occurring in the theory of quantum electrodynamics - the self-energy of the electron. |
English Full text in
format (oppenheimer30/eng.tex); | |
DIRAC 1931 Prediction of the anti-electron (e+), anti-proton ( anti-p), and an indication of the possible existence of magnetic monopoles. | |
English Full text in
format (dirac31/eng.tex); | |
LAWRENCE 1931B Tests of the first cyclotron. | |
English Full text in
format (lawrence31b/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence31b/eng.tex); | |
VAN DE GRAAFF 1931 Invention of the Van de Graaff electrostatic accelerator. | |
English Full text in
format (van de graaff31/eng.tex); | |
CHADWICK 1932 First evidence for the neutron. | |
English Full text in
format (chadwick32/eng.tex); | |
UREY 1932 Evidence for the deuteron. | |
English Full text in
format (urey32/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (urey32/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (urey32/eng.tex); | |
UREY 1932B Discovery of the deuteron. | |
English Full text in
format (urey32b/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (urey32b/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (urey32b/eng.tex); | |
VAN DE GRAAFF 1933 Invention of electrostatic accelerators. Further development. | |
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format (van de graaff33/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (van de graaff33/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (van de graaff33/eng.tex); | |
ANDERSON 1933 Discovery of the positron, the first antiparticle, predicted by Dirac. | |
English Full text in
format (anderson33/eng.tex); | |
YUKAWA 1935 Yukawa field theory of nuclear forces. Prediction of heavy quanta, the pion particles, as mediators of strong interactions. | |
English Full text in
format (yukawa35/eng.tex); | |
BREIT 1936 Breit-Wigner form of the amplitude for resonance reactions. | |
English Full text in
format (breit36/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (breit36/eng.tex); | |
GAMOW 1936 Extension of Fermi interaction and Gamow-Teller selection rules. | |
English Full text in
format (gamow36/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (gamow36/eng.tex); | |
BREIT 1936B Hypothesis of charge independence of nuclear forces. | |
English Full text in
format (breit36b/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (breit36b/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (breit36b/eng.tex); | |
CASSEN 1936 Proposal of the isotopic spin (for the nucleon). | |
English Full text in
format (cassen36/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (cassen36/eng.tex); | |
WIGNER 1937 Discovery of supermultiplet structure in nuclear spectroscopy. | |
English Full text in
format (wigner37/eng.tex); | |
NEDDERMEYER 1937 First evidence for the muon. | |
English Full text in
format (neddermeyer37/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (neddermeyer37/eng.tex); | |
CERENKOV 1937 Confirmation of the Frank-Tamm theory of the Vavilov- Cerenkov effect. | |
English Full text in
format (cerenkov37/eng.tex); | |
STREET 1937B Muon existence confirmation. | |
English Full text in
format (street37b/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (street37b/eng.tex); | |
NISHINA 1937 Confirmation of the existence of the muon. | |
English Full text in
format (nishina37/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (nishina37/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (nishina37/eng.tex); | |
SCHWINGER 1937 Establishment of the neutron spin 1/2. | |
English Full text in
format (schwinger37/eng.tex); | |
ALVAREZ 1938 First evidence for the capture of atomic electrons by the weak interaction; K-capture. | |
English Full text in
format (alvarez38/eng.tex); | |
LAWRENCE 1939 First cyclotron for medical applications. | |
English Full text in
format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (lawrence39/eng.tex); | |
KELLOGG 1939 High-precision measurements of proton and deuteron magnetic moments. | |
English Full text in
format (kellogg39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (kellogg39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (kellogg39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (kellogg39/eng.tex); | |
ROSSI 1939 First evidence of muon decay and first estimation of its lifetime. | |
English Full text in
format (rossi39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (rossi39/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (rossi39/eng.tex); | |
1940 | ALVAREZ 1940 First direct measurement of the neutron magnetic moment. |
English Full text in
format (alvarez40/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (alvarez40/eng.tex); | |
PAULI 1940B Theorem on the connection between spin and statistics. | |
English Full text in
format (pauli40b/eng.tex); | |
KERST 1940 Kerst proposal for betatron accelerator. | |
English Full text in
format (kerst40/eng.tex); | |
RASETTI 1941 First measurement of the muon lifetime, preliminary result. | |
English Full text in
format (rasetti41/eng.tex); | |
KERST 1941 First betatron. | |
English Full text in
format (kerst41/eng.tex); | |
RASETTI 1941B First measurement of the muon lifetime. | |
English Full text in
format (rasetti41b/eng.tex); | |
NERESON 1942 Confirmation of the muon exponential decay rate. | |
English Full text in
format (nereson42/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (nereson42/eng.tex); | |
FERMI 1943 First Fermi nuclear reactor. Beginning of atomic energy era. | |
English Full text in
format (fermi43/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (fermi43/rus.tex); | |
SCHWINGER 1948B First theoretical calculation of g-2 for the electron. | |
English Full text in
format (schwinger48b/eng.tex); | |
FEYNMAN 1948C Invention of the path integral formalism for quantum mechanics. | |
English Full text in
format (feynman48c/eng.tex); | |
DYSON 1949 Covariant quantum electrodynamics: Equivalence between the Tomonaga-Schwinger method and the Feynman method and generalization. | |
English Full text in
format (dyson49/eng.tex); | |
DYSON 1949B Covariant quantum electrodynamics: Equivalence between the Tomonaga-Schwinger method and the Feynman method and generalization. | |
English Full text in
format (dyson49b/eng.tex); | |
FEYNMAN 1949B Development of the covariant quantum electrodynamic theory. Feynman method. | |
English Full text in
format (feynman49b/eng.tex); | |
1950 | HEISENBERG 1952 Prediction of rising total hadronic cross sections. |
English Full text in
format (heisenberg52/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (heisenberg52/rus.tex); | |
GERSHTEIN 1955 Evidence that strong interactions do not modify the vector coupling constant of beta decay. Analogy between electromagnetic and weak interactions. | |
English Full text in
format (gershtein55/eng.tex); English Full text in TeX format (gershtein55/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (gershtein55/rus.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (gershtein55/rus.tex); | |
MANDELSTAM 1958 Dispersion relation in two variables: the Mandelstam representation. | |
English Full text in
format (mandelstam58/eng.tex); Russian Full text in TeX format (mandelstam58/rus.tex); |