Preprints 1997

IHEP 97 - 1 (in Russian)
Anan'ev V.K., D'yachkov A.I., Mayatsky V.A.(Polimersintez, Vladimir), Bazilevcky A.V., Durum A.A., Kochetkov V.I., Semenov V.k., Soldatov A.P.(IHEP, Protvino)
New Extruded Scintillator from Commercial Polystyrene
Protvino, 1997. - p. 11, figs. 9, refs.: 25.
IHEP 97 - 2
A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko
Protvino, 1997.- p.21, figs. 6, tables 8, refs.:32.
IHEP 97 - 4
F.G.Binon, J.P.Stroot (Universite Libre and IISN, Brussels, Belgium), A.M.Blick, A.V.Dolgopolov, S.V.Donskov(*), V.A.Kachanov, G.V.Khaustov, V.N.Kolosov, A.A.Lednev, V.A.Lishin, Yu.D.Prokoshkin, P.M.Shagin, A.V.Singovsky, V.P.Sugonyaev (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia), M.V.Korzhik ( Institute of Nuclear Problems BSU, Minsk, Belarus), J.P.Peigneux (Laboratiore d'Annecy de Physique des Particules, France)
Beam studies of SAD-150 heavy crystal PWO calorimeter, small angle multiphoton detector of GAMS-4pi spectrometer
Protvino, 1997.- p.11, figs. 7, refs.:19.
(*) Corresponding author.
IHEP 97 - 5
Protvino, 1997.- p. 11, refs.:7.
IHEP 97 - 6
Arkhipov A.A., Nadol'sky P.M.
Effective Radius of Three-Nucleon Forces and p anti-p Single Diffraction Dissociation at High Energies
Protvino, 1997.- p.8, figs. 2, tables 3, refs.:22.
IHEP 97 - 7
Protvino, 1997. - p. 9, refs.: 10.
IHEP 97 - 8 (in Russian)
Logunov A.A., Mestvirishvili M.A.
On the Possibility of Gravitational Collapse in General Relativity
Protvino, 1997. - p. 14, refs.: 6.
IHEP 97 - 9 (in Russian)
Alekseev A.I., Arbuzov B.A.
Analytic QCD Running Coupling Constant and Minimality Principle for Nonperturbative Contributions in Ultraviolet Region
Protvino, 1997. - p. 17, tables 2, refs.: 28.
IHEP 97 - 10 (in Russian)
Vorob'ev A.P., Kholodenko A.G.(IHEP, Protvino), Ivan'shin Yu.I., Petukhov Yu.P.(JINR, Dubna), Voronin A.G., Karmanov D.E., Kuznetsov E.N., Merkin M.M.(INP MSU, Moscow)
The Study of Si Live Target Prototypes
Protvino, 1997. - p. 9, figs. 6, refs.: 5.
IHEP 97 - 11
S.V.Golovkin, V.G.Vasil'chenko(IHEP, Protvino), A.S.Solov'ev(JINR, Dubna)
New Scintillating Media Based on SiO2-Aerogels Saturated with Liquid Scintillators
Protvino, 1997.- p.4, figs. 3, refs.:6.
IHEP 97 - 12
S.V.Golovkin, A.M.Medvedkov, V.G.Vasil'chenko ( Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russian ), A.S.Solovjev( Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian ), F.Galeazzi, G.Martellotti, G.Penso(INFN, Rome, Italy), S.Buontempo (INFN, Napoli, Italy)
Influence of Neutral Gas Atmospheres and Temperature on New Liquid Scintillators Light Outputs
Protvino, 1997.- p.8, figs. 6, tables 8, refs.:32.
IHEP 97 - 13
G.I.Britvich, S.V.Golovkin, A.M.Medvedkov, V.G.Vasil'chenko ( Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russian ), A.S.Solovjev( Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, Dubna, Russian ), F.Galeazzi, G.Martellotti, G.Penso(INFN, Rome, Italy)
Luminescent Properties of Frozen Scintillators
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, figs. 11, tables 3, refs.:10.
IHEP 97 - 16
Two-Dimensional Ultra-Toda Integrable Mappings and Chains (Abelian Case)
Protvino, 1997.- p.16, refs.:12.
IHEP 97 - 17 (in Russian)
N.I.Belikov, V.I.Belousov, A.N. Vasil'ev,O.A.Grachev, A.M.Davidenko, Yu.A.Matulenko, Yu.M.Mel'nik, A.P.Meshchanin, A.I.Mysnik, S.B.Nurushev, A.I.Pavlinov, A.F.Prudkoglyad, L.F.Solov'ev, K.E.Shestermanov, A.E.Yakutin, L.V.Alekseeva(*), L.V.Nogach(*)(IHEP, Protvino, Russian), N.S.Borisov, E.I. Bunyatova, V.F.Burinov, V.G.Kolomiets, A.B.Lazarev, V.N.Matafonov, A.B.Neganov, Yu.A.Plis, Yu.A.Usov, S.N.Shilov, O.N.Shchevelev (JINR, Dubna, Russian), E.A.Andreeva, A.A.Bogdanov, V.Yu.Kudryavtsev, V.A.Okorokov, M.N.Strikhanov ( MPEI, Moscow, Russian)
Measurements of pi o -Mesons Single-Spin Asymmetry An in the Polarized Target Proton Fragmentation Region. (Proposal SERP-P-180, PROZA-2.)
Protvino, 1997.- p.19, figs. 12, tables 2, refs.:26.
(*) The post-graduate student MSU, Moscow, Russian
IHEP 97 - 18
A.G.Alexeev, S.A.Kharlampiev
Energy response of tissue equivalent proportional counter for neutrons above 20 MeV
Protvino, 1997.- p.12, figs. 13, tables 2, refs.:22.
IHEP 97 - 19
I.L.Azhgirey, I.A.Kurochkin, A.V.Sannikov, E.N.Savitskaya
Calculation of High Energy Hadron Spectra at the CERN-CEC Reference Field Facility by the MARS'95 and HADRON Codes
Protvino, 1997.- p.11, figs. 9, tables 6, refs.:9.
IHEP 97 - 20
S.V.Golovkin, A.P.Kozhevnikov, V.P.Kubarovsky, A.I.Kulyavtsev, V.F.Kurshetsov, L.G.Landsberg, V.V.Molchanov, V.A.Mukhin, I.N.Nikitin, V.I.Solyanik, D.V.Vavilov, V.A.Viktorov (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia), M.Ya.Balats, G.V.Dzubenko, G.S.Lomkatsi, V.T.Smolyankin (Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow)
Study of the OZI Selection Rule in Hadronic Processes.
Protvino, 1997.- p.19, figs. 14, refs.:44.
IHEP 97 - 21
S.V.Golovkin, A.P.Kozhevnikov, V.P.Kubarovsky, A.I.Kulyavtsev, V.F.Kurshetsov, L.G.Landsberg, V.V.Molchanov, V.A.Mukhin, V.I.Solyanik, D.V.Vavilov, V.A.Viktorov (Institute for High Energy Physics, Protvino, Russia), M.Ya.Balats, G.V.Dzubenko, A.G.Dolgolenko, G.K.Kliger, V.Z.Kolganov, M.A.Kubantsev, G.S.Lomkatsi, A.F.Nilov, A.I.Sitnikov, V.T.Smolyankin, V.S.Verebrusov, V.E.Vishnyakov(Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow), A.V.Kubarovsky(Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
Study of Quasiexclusive Neutral Meson Production in pN Interactions at Ep=70 GeV in the Deep Fragmentation Region. The SPHINX Collaboration (IHEP-ITEP)
Protvino, 1997.- p.17, figs. 10, tables 6, refs.:26.
IHEP 97 - 23 (in Russian)
Matveeva O.V., Pesterev S.M., Sevryukova L.M., Shapovalov Yu.S.
Constructional Features and Potentials of the Stand Designed for Measuring Secondary Emission Parameters
Protvino, 1997. - p. 5, figs. 4, refs.: 11.
IHEP 97 - 25
gamma-beam Propagation in the Field of Monochromatic Laser Wave
Protvino, 1997.- p.11, figs. 9, tables 6, refs.:9.
IHEP 97 - 26
A.I.Alekseev, B.A.Arbuzov
Analyticity and Minimality of Nonperturbative Contributions in Perturbative Region for anti-alphas
Protvino, 1997.- p.8, tables 1, refs.:23.
IHEP 97 - 27 (in Russian)
N.I.Belikov, V.I.Belousov, A.N. Vasil'ev, A.A.Derevshchikov, Yu.A.Matulenko, S.B.Nurushev, A.I.Pavlinov, L.V.Alekseeva(*), L.V.Nogach(*) (IHEP, Protvino, Russian), D.Underwood, K.Krueger, T.LeCompte, H.Spinka, A.Yokosawa ( Argonne National Laboratory, USA), G.Bunce, H.Huang, Y.Makdisi, F.Mariam, T.Roser, M.Syphers ( Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA), I.G.Alekseev, V.P.Kanavets, D.M.Svirida (Institute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Moscow), M.Bai, S.Y.Lee ( Indiana University, USA)
Efficiency simulation for the set-up to measure asymmetry in inclusive charged pion production at 23 GeV. (Experiment E925 in BNL.)
Protvino, 1997.- p.12, figs. 6, tables 2, refs.:9.
(*) The post-graduate student MSU, Moscow, Russian
IHEP 97 - 28 (in Russian)
Transfer of Data Base"Personnel" from Computer ES to Personal Computer
Protvino, 1997. - p. 11, refs.: 10.
IHEP 97 - 29 (in Russian)
A.M.Kiver, K.G.Mirzoev, S.E.Poroshkov, V.I.Sokol'sky
The Development of Test Procedure and Installation of Vacuum Chambers of UNK--600 into the Magnets.
Protvino, 1997. - p. 9, figs. 5, refs.: 4.
IHEP 97 - 30 (in Russian)
Straw Tubes with Various Quencher's Concentration and Cathode Materials
Protvino, 1997. - p. 9, figs. 7, refs.: 7.
IHEP 97 - 31
Troshin S.M. and Tyurin N.E.
Different behaviour of the spin structure functions g1(x) and h1(x) at x-->0
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, figs. 2, refs.:20.
IHEP 97 - 32 (in Russian)
V.B.Anikeev, S.V.Belikov, Yu.V.Gilitsky, S.N.Gurzhiev, Yu.E.Gutnikov, A.G.Denisov, S.P.Denisov, A.Yu.Dushkin, V.I.Koreshev, V.I.Kochetkov, V.V.Lipaev, S.V.Los', P.V.Mamakov, E.A.Mel'nikov, V.N.Mikhailin, V.S.Mikhailov, S.A.Mukhin, A.P.Soldatov, A.A.Spiridonov,A.N.Cytin, G.V.Tishin, I.V.Shein (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), G.Gennaro, F.Sergiampietri, G.Spandre, C.Cerri (INFN, Pisa, Italy), G.Conforto, A.Marchionni (INFN, Florence, Italy)
Big Liquid Argon Spectrometer BARS
Protvino, 1997. - p. 25, figs. 21, tables 3, refs.: 20.
IHEP 97 - 33 (in Russian)
S.V.Belikov, V.V.Lipaev, S.V.Los'
Data Acquisition at Detector BARS
Protvino, 1997. - p. 16, figs. 8, refs.: 11.
IHEP 97 - 34
S.V.Belikov, V.V.Lipaev, S.V.Los'
Real-time Data Monitoring in the Big Liquid Argon Spectrometer Data Acquisition System, Tagged Neutrino Experiment
Protvino, 1997.- p.7, figs. 3, tables 1, refs.:6.
IHEP 97 - 35 (in Russian)
Beam-Cavity Interaction near Transition Energy
Protvino, 1997.- p.11, figs. 3, refs.:6.
IHEP 97 - 36
S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Logunov, M.A.Mestvirishvili
Evolution of the Universe and Graviton Mass
Protvino, 1997.- p.18, refs.:8.
IHEP 97 - 37
A.V.Berezhnoy, V.V.Kiselev, A.K.Likhoded, A.I.Onishchenko
Doubly charmed baryon production in hadronic experiments
Protvino, 1997.- p.13, tables 1, refs.:14.
IHEP 97 - 38 (in Russian)
V.D.Apokin, N.I.Belikov, A.N.Vasil'ev, Yu.M.Goncharenko, O.A.Grachev, V.N.Grishin, A.M.Davidenko, A.A.Derevshchikov, Yu.A.Il'in, V.A.Kormilitsyn, Yu.A.Matulenko, V.A.Medvedev, Yu.M.Mel'nik, A.P.Meshchanin, N.E.Mikhalin, V.V.Mochalov, A.I.Mysnik, S.B.Nurushev, D.I.Patalakha, A.F.Prudkoglyad, V.L.Rykov, L.F.Solov'ev, V.L.Solov'yanov, Yu.V.Kharlov, V.Yu.Khodyrev, B.V.Chuiko, K.E.Shestermanov, A.S.Yakutin, L.V.Alekseeva(*), L.V.Nogach(*) (IHEP, Protvino), N.S.Borisov, E.I.Bunyatova, Yu.M.Kazarinov, Yu.F.Kiselev, V.G.Kolomiets, M.Yu.Liburg, V.N.Matafonov, A.B.Neganov, B.S.Neganov, Yu.A.Plis, Yu.A.Usov, A.N.Fedopov ( LNP JINR, Dubna )
The Experimental Set-up PROZA-M to Study Single-Spin Asymmetry in the Inclusive Neutral Meson Production at the U-70 Accelerator
Protvino, 1997.- p.23, figs. 14, tables 2, refs.:24.
(*) The post-graduate student MSU, Moscow, Russian
IHEP 97 - 39
M.Yu.Bogolyubsky and A.P.Meshchanin
To the Universal Electromagnetic Muon, Proton and Neutron Composition
Protvino, 1997. - p. 27, figs. 4, tables 2, refs.: 37.
IHEP 97 - 40
On Redefinitions of Variables in Gauge Field Theory
Protvino, 1997.- p.13, refs.:4.
IHEP 97 - 41
S. M. Klishevich, Yu. M. Zinoviev
On Electromagnetic Interaction of Massive Spin-2 Particle
Protvino, 1997.- p.18, refs.:15.
IHEP 97 - 42
L.G.Landsberg, V.V.Molchanov
Radiative Decays of Hyperons
Protvino, 1997.- p.21,figs. 6, tables 3, refs.:46.
IHEP 97 - 47 (in Russian)
Search for Process of Pion Double Color Charge Exchange on Be-Nucleus Protons
Protvino, 1997. - p. 15, figs. 8, refs.: 16.
IHEP 97 - 48
V.V. Kabachenko, Yu.F. Pirogov
Testing Deca-TeV Unified Compositeness at the 4 TeV mu+ mu- Collider
Protvino, 1997.- p.13, figs. 4, refs.:19.
IHEP 97 - 49
A.A.Derevshchikov, Yu.A.Matulenko, K.E.Shestermanov, A.N.Vasil'ev ( IHEP, Protvino ), V.L.Rykov( Wayne State University, Detroit), L.V.Alekseeva, L.V.Nogach (Post-Graduate student from Moscow State University)
Simulation Study of gamma / pi0 - Separation and e / h-Rejection Power in the STAR Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter with the Gaseous Shower Maximum Detector
Protvino, 1997.- p.14, figs. 9, refs.:13.
IHEP 97 - 50 (in Russian)
M.Yu.Bogolyubsky, O.S.Zaitseva, N.S.Ivanova, A.E.Kiryunin, L.L.Kurchaninov, M.S.Levitsky, V.V.Maksimov, A.A.Minaenko, A.M.Moiseev, A.V.Pleskach, S.V.Chekulaev (IHEP, Protvino ), O.V.Grishina, P.F.Ermolov, S.A.Zotkin, A.V.Kubarovsky, L.I.Lyutov, L.A.Tikhonova ( INP MSU, Moscow ), I.V.Bogoslavsky, I.M.Gramenitsky, A.Ya.Kutov, T.P.Topuriya, S.N.Nedev, M.D.Shafranov ( JINR, Dubna )
The Methodic of Film Information Handling in the Experiment E-161
Protvino, 1997.- p.9, figs. 5, tables 1, refs.:15.
IHEP 97 - 51
N.I.Belikov, V.I.Belousov, B.V.Chujko et al.
IHEP-JINR PROZA-M Collaboration
Preliminary Results on Raw Asymmetry in the pi0 - Production on a Polarized Target at 70 GeV
Protvino, 1997.- p.9, figs. 4, refs.:12.
IHEP 97 - 52 (in Russian)
Study of the Nature of iota/eta(1440) in the Approach of Chiral Perturbation Theory
Protvino, 1997. - p. 20, refs.: 24.
IHEP 97 - 53
V.G.Vasil'chenko (IHEP, Protvino) and A.S.Solov'ev (JINR, Dubna)
Doped Plastic Scintillators with Improved Light Output and Radiation Hardness
Protvino, 1997.- p.5, figs. 2, tables 1, refs.:18.
IHEP 97 - 54 (in Russian)
A Method of Polymers Surface Modification and Outlook of its Using in Experimental Physics
Protvino, 1997. - p. 24, figs. 17, refs.: 56.
IHEP 97 - 56
FNAL E704 Collaboration
Measurement of single spin asymmetry in eta-meson production in $p_\uparrow p$- and $\bar p_\uparrow p$-interactions in the beam fragmentation region at 200 GeV/c
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, figs. 7, tables 4, refs.:6.
IHEP 97 - 57
S.S.Gershtein, A.A.Logunov and M.A.Mestvirishvili
The Upper Limit on Graviton Mass
Protvino, 1997.- p.5, refs.:7.
IHEP 97 - 58
S.Akimenko et al.
A study of one-spin asymmetries in $pp_\uparrow$ and $\pi^-p_\uparrow$ interactions at 70 and 40 GeV/c. (Proposal of experiment RAMPEX.)
Protvino, 1997.- p.39, figs. 22, tables 2, refs.:53.
Corresponding author: V.Solovianov, L.Barabash, Yu.Usov, V.Vovchenko, A.D.Krisch
IHEP 97 - 59 (in Russian)
M.A.Vdovichenko, A.S.Vshivtsev, K.G.Klimenko
Phase Structure of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio Model in the Non-Simply Connected Spacetime with Account for Chemical Potential
Protvino, 1997. - p. 29, figs. 16, refs.: 19.
IHEP 97 - 60 (in Russian)
A.N.Vasil'ev, Yu.M.Goncharenko, O.A.Grachev, V.A.Kormilitsyn, V.A.Medvedev, L.F.Colov'ev, B.V.Chuiko
Energy Scale Monitoring of Electromagnetic Calorimeter
Protvino, 1997. - p. 6, figs. 5, refs.: 4.
IHEP 97 - 61
E.A.Andreeva, A.A.Bogdanov, M.N.Strikhanov (MPEI, Moscow), S.B.Nurushev, K.E.Shestermanov, A.N.Vasil'ev ( IHEP, Protvino)
The Inclusive Neutral Pion Polarimeter for RHIC
Protvino, 1997.- p.8, figs. 4, refs.:6.
IHEP 97 - 62
G.I.Britvich, V.G.Vasil'chenko ( IHEP, Protvino), A.S.Solov'ev ( JINR, Dubna)
Composite Media Based on SiO2 -- Gels Polymerized in a New Green Emitting Light Polystyrene Scintillator
Protvino, 1997.- p.4, figs. 2, tables 1, refs.:4.
IHEP 97 - 63
V.V.Kabachenko and Yu.F. Pirogov
Studying Lepton Family Violation in Lepton-Lepton Collisions
Protvino, 1997.- p.13, figs. 1, tables 2, refs.:9.
IHEP 97 - 64
Use of a Delay-Line Filter in Transverse Feedback of a Synchrotron
Protvino, 1997.- p.12, figs. 8, tables 1, refs.:3.
IHEP 97 - 66 (in Russian)
A.K.Likhoded, S.R.Slabospitsky
On Mechanism of Charmed c -- Quarks Fragmentation in Hadronic Collisions
Protvino, 1997.- p.15, figs. 8, tables 2, refs.:15.
IHEP 97 - 67
S.I.Bityukov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), N.V.Krasnikov (INR RAS, Moscow, Russia)
The search for sleptons and flavour lepton number violation at LHC (CMS)
Protvino, 1997.- p.24, figs. 1, tables 24, refs.:16.
IHEP 97 - 68 (in Russian)
Hard Muon Fraction of Punchthrough (SAMUS Region)
Protvino, 1997.- p.9, figs. 3, tables 1, refs.:24.
IHEP 97 - 69
V.A.Petrov and A.V.Prokudin
Does the "soft pomeron" cope with the HERA data?
Protvino, 1997.- p.6, figs. 4, refs.:8.
IHEP 97 - 70 (in Russian)
A.A.Borovikov, G.N.Khromova
Certification Tasks Formulation for Unique Installations
Protvino, 1997. - p. 8, refs.: 10.
IHEP 97 - 71
Dae Kwan Kim ( ETRI, Korea ) and K.G. Klimenko
Finite Density Effect in the Gross-Neveu Model on a Weakly Curved Surfaces
Protvino, 1997.- p.11, figs. 3, refs.:25.
IHEP 97 - 72
A.V.Konychev (Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Dolgoprudny)
On the Renormalization-Scheme Dependence in Quantum Field Theory
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, refs.:10.
IHEP 97 - 74 (in Russian)
M.Yu.Bogolyubsky, A.P.Vorob'ev, A.M.Moiseev, V.N.Ryadovikov
Efficiency of Registration for a Pair of Charmed Particles in pp -- Integrations at 70 GeV with SVD SETUP
Protvino, 1997.- p.6, figs. 2, tables 2, refs.:6.
IHEP 97 - 75
Debut of Spin Physics at Dubna
Protvino, 1997.- p.14.
IHEP 97 - 76
Survey of Experimental Data on High Energy Spin Physics
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, refs.:25.
IHEP 97 - 77 (in Russian)
V.V.Kochetov, V.G.Rogozinsky
Pressure Dynamics of Test Gas on Leak Detecting in Long Vacuum Chamber under Molecular Gas Flow
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, figs. 6, refs.:3.
IHEP 97 - 78
Perturbative Fragmentation of a Scalar Leptoquark into a Heavy Lepto-Quarkonium
Protvino, 1997.- p.10, figs. 5, tables 1, refs.:16.
IHEP 97 - 79 (in Russian)
V.F.Obraztsov, S.R.Slabospitsky, O.P.Yushchenko
Search for Anomalous Top-Quark Interaction at LEP-2 Collider
Protvino, 1997.- p.11, figs. 5, refs.:10.
IHEP 97 - 81 (in Russian)
Relativistic Quark Model of Mesons
Protvino, 1997.- p.24, tables 8, refs.:29.
IHEP 97 - 82
A.M.Gorin, A.V.Korablev, V.I.Kryshkin
Study of Hadron Calorimeter Active Elements
Protvino, 1997.- p.5, figs. 5, refs.:3.
IHEP 97 - 83
V.Ammosov, V.Korablev (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), R.Santonico (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy )
Induced charges and voltage signals in resistive plate chambers
Protvino, 1997.- p.26, figs. 13, tables 2, refs.:4.
IHEP 97 - 84
Mechanics with Retarded Interactions
Protvino, 1997.- p.31, figs. 5, refs.:44.
IHEP 97 - 85 (in Russian)
Analysis of Irreversible Heat Emission of Liquid Expansion in a Rapid Cycling Bubble Chamber
Protvino, 1997.- p.17, figs. 12, tables 2, refs.:12.
IHEP 97 - 86 (in Russian)
Superconducting Magnets for Accelerators
Protvino, 1997.- p.19, figs. 4, tables 3, refs.:33.
IHEP 97 - 87 (in Russian)
Motion in Stationary Magnetic Field and Plane Monochromatic Electromagnetic Wave Field
Protvino, 1997.- p.9, refs.:4.
IHEP 97 - 88 (in Russian)
V.V.Ammosov, I.L.Vasil'ev, V.A.Gapienko, G.S.Gapienko, Yu.P.Gorin, V.G.Zaets, A.A.Ivanilov, Yu.M.Kozyaev, V.I.Koreshev, V.A.Korotkov, A.I.Petrukhin, V.I.Poletaev, Yu.M.Sviridov (IHEP, Protvino, Russia), A.S.Aref'ev, I.S.Trostin (ITEP, Moscow, Russia), P.Ioannou, V.Mitsou (Athen University, Greece), G.Fanourakis (NRCD, Athens, Greece)
Characteristics Study of Shower Punchthrough for 70 GeV Protons Incident to Steel
Protvino, 1997.- p.12, figs. 7, tables 2, refs.:11.
IHEP 97 - 89 (in Russian)
Image Representation as Enlarged Blocks Structure
Protvino, 1997.- p.9, figs. 5, tables 1, refs.:5.
IHEP 97 - 90
QCD Running Coupling: Freezing Versus Enhancement in the Infrared Region
Protvino, 1997.- p.9, figs. 2, refs.:33.

IHEP publications Support team